Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber


+49 (0)69 798-34683




RuW 2.205

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Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber holds the Chair of e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. He is Co-Chairman and member of the Board of the “efl – the Data Science Institute”, an industry-academic partnership between Frankfurt and Darmstadt Universities, and leading industry partners (e.g., Deutsche Börse, DZ Bank, and Finanz Informatik).

Since 2011, Prof. Gomber is a member of the Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and served as Chairman of its Standing Committee. Furthermore, he is a member of the Supervisory Board of Clearstream Banking AG and Chairman of its Audit Committee. He also is a member of the Academic Committee of the “Deutsches Aktieninstitut” and member of the Academic Advisory Board of Plato Partnership, London. Between 2008 and 2020, Prof. Gomber was a member of the Supervisory Board of b-next AG (Chairman and Deputy Chairman). From 2012-2018, Prof. Gomber was a member of the Consultative Working Group of the Secondary Market Standing Committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and member of the Advisory Board of Capveriant GmbH, Garching from 2019-2023. He completed the examination for “Qualifizierter Aufsichtsrat” (Qualified Member of the Supervisory Board) certified by Deutsche Börse AG in 2020. Since 2020, Peter Gomber is a Research Fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE in Frankfurt.

Prof. Gomber received appointments to a professorship by the University of Bamberg (Chair of Information Systems) in 2004, by the University of Mannheim (Chair of Information Systems) in 2009 and by the University of Luxembourg (Chair in Digital Financial Services) in 2018.

Prof. Gomber’s academic work focuses on market microstructure theory, digital finance and fintech, regulatory impact on financial markets, and electronic trading systems. He is Editor-in-Chief of the “efl Insights”, Associate Editor of the “International Journal of Electronic Banking”, member of the Editorial Boards of the “Journal of Financial Transformation“ and the “Journal Electronic Markets“ and served as Special Issue Editor for the “Journal of Management Information Systems“.

He published more than 150 research papers. Many of them in leading international journals (e.g., Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Empirical Finance). Prof. Gomber received the IBM Shared University Research Grant in 2007, the Reuters Innovation Award 2000, the University Award of the DAI 1999, and multiple best paper awards of international conferences. In 2020, he and his co-authors received the “Best Paper Award” of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and the “Best Information Systems Publications Award” of the Association for Information Systems, which is the highest international publication award in information systems.

Beside teaching in Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. courses at the University of Frankfurt, Prof. Gomber held executive courses at Goethe Business School, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Amsterdam Institute of Finance, ADG Business School and Deutsche Börse Capital Markets Academy. Prof. Gomber acquired significant research funds from public institutions and the private sector. A market model invention by Prof. Gomber was granted a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office; two market model inventions were filed for patent in Europe and the US.

Before joining the University of Frankfurt in 2004, Prof. Gomber worked for five years as a Director, Head of Market Development Cash Markets and Xetra Research at Deutsche Börse AG, Frankfurt. In this role, he developed new market models and products for cash market trading on Xetra. Furthermore, he headed strategic and regulatory projects and was responsible for the provision of Xetra and Eurex Backend Insourcing and Technology Sales Services to international exchanges (e.g. the exchanges in Dublin, Vienna and Shanghai). Prof. Gomber graduated in Business Administration and acquired his Ph.D. at the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Giessen, Germany, in 1999.


CV and publications




Scientific Journals

Bender, Micha; Cestonaro, Tino; Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter
A Long-Term Analysis of Research Unbundling: Implications for Research Provision and Market Quality
In: Journal of Business Economics (forthcoming); 2024
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Gomber, Peter; Sagade, Satchit; Theissen, Erik; Weber, Moritz Christian; Westheide, Christian
Spoilt for Choice: Determinants of Market Shares in Fragmented Equity Markets
In: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol. 64, Article 100816; 2023
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Clapham, Benjamin; Bender, Micha; Lausen, Jens; Gomber, Peter
Policy Making in the Financial Industry: A Framework for Regulatory Impact Analysis Using Textual Analysis
In: Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 93, pp. 1463-1514; 2023
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Bender, Micha; Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander
To Bundle or Not to Bundle? A Review of Soft Commissions and Research Unbundling
In: Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 69-92;  2021
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Clapham, Benjamin; Siering, Michael; Gomber, Peter
Popular News Are Relevant News! How Investor Attention Affects Algorithmic Decision-Making and Decision Support in Financial Markets
In: Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 477-494;  2021
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Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Lausen, Jens; Panz, Sven
Liquidity Provider Incentives in Fragmented Securities Markets
In: Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 60, pp. 16-38;  2021
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Lausen, Jens; Clapham, Benjamin; Siering, Michael; Gomber, Peter
Who Is the Next "Wolf of Wall Street"? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct
In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1153-1190;  2020
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Gomber, Peter; Kauffman, Robert J.; Parker, Chris; Weber, Bruce W.
On the Fintech Revolution: Interpreting the Forces of Innovation, Disruption, and Transformation in Financial Services
In: Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 220-265;  2018
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Nofer, Michael; Gomber, Peter; Hinz, Oliver; Schiereck, Dirk
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 183-187;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander; Siering, Michael
Mittelstandsfinanzierung im Kontext von FinTech und Digital Finance
In: Corporate Finance, No. 11-12, pp. 327-332;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander; Siering, Michael
Digital Finance and FinTech: Current Research and Future Research Directions
In: Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 87, No. 5, pp. 537-580;  2017
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Siering, Michael; Clapham, Benjamin; Engel, Oliver; Gomber, Peter
A Taxonomy of Financial Market Manipulations: Establishing Trust and Market Integrity in the Financialized Economy Through Automated Fraud Detection
In: Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 251-269;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Sagade, Satchit; Theissen, E.; Weber, Moritz Christian; Westheide, Christian
Competition Between Equity Markets: A Review of the Consolidation Versus Fragmentation Debate
In: Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 792-814;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Zimmermann, Kai
Securities Transaction Tax and Market Quality - The Case of France
In: European Financial Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 313-337;  2016
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Gomber, Peter
Cash Equity Markets in Germany
In: Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 75-80;  2015
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Gomber, Peter; Schweickert, Uwe; Theissen, E.
Liquidity Dynamics in an Electronic Open Limit Order Book: an Event Study Approach
In: European Financial Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 52-78;  2015
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Gomber, Peter; Nassauer, Frank
Neuordnung der Finanzmaerkte in Europa durch MiFID II/MiFIR
In: Zeitschrift fuer Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 250-261;  2014
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Groth, Sven; Siering, Michael; Gomber, Peter
How to Enable Automated Trading Engines to Cope with News-Related Liquidity Shocks? Extracting Signals from Unstructured Data
In: Decision Support Systems, Vol. 62, pp. 32-42;  2014
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Gomber, Peter; Jaeger, Benedikt
MiFID: Eine systematische Analyse der Zielerreichung
In: Zeitschrift fuer Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 2014 No. 1, pp. 40-53;  2014

Gomber, Peter; Wolf-Haack, Björn; Zimmermann, Kai
Die Umsetzung der MiFID II in der deutschen Finanzindustrie
In: BIT - Banking and Information Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 23-38;  2013

Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pp. 99-102;  2013
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Gommel, Thorsten; Gomber, Peter
Neuausrichtung des OTC-Derivate-Marktes als Chance begreifen
In: Zeitschrift fuer das gesamte Kreditwesen, Vol. 17, pp. 867-870;  2012

Lattemann, Christoph; Loos, Peter; Johannes, Gomolka; Burghof, Hans-Peter; Breuer, Arne; Gomber, Peter; Krogmann, Michael; Nagel, Joachim; Riess, Rainer; Riordan, Ryan; Zajonz, Rafael
High Frequency Trading - Costs and Benefits in Securities Trading and its Necessity of Regulations
In: Business Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 4: No. 2, pp. 93-108;  2012

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
Best Execution Implementation and Broker Policies in Fragmented European Equity Markets
In: International Review of Business Research Papers Vol. 8.
No.2. Pp. 144 - 162;  2012

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Haferkorn, Martin; Zimmermann, Kai
Circuit Breakers - Evidence on Trading Migration in Fragmented Markets
In: BIT - Banking and Information Technology, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 17-24;  2012

Gomber, Peter; Groth, Sven; Gsell, Markus
Algorithmischer Handel auf Finanzmärkten - Handels- und Orderabgabeverhalten von Computern versus menschlichen Händlern
In: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, Ausgabe Technik 2-2009, pp. 11-14; Frankfurt 2009

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
MiFID Umsetzung in Deutschland - Eine Analyse der Grundsaetze der Auftragsausfuehrung
In: Zeitschrift fuer Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 72-82;  2009

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor
Best execution in electronic banking and brokerage: an analysis of business and technical requirements
In: International Journal of Electronic Banking; Vol. 1, No.1 pp. 1-15 2008

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Evolution der Anforderungen an die IT im Börsenhandel
In: "Technik / IT für Finanzdienstleister“, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 2/2008, pp. 13-16; Frankfurt 2008

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael; Groth, Sven
Neue Börsenlandschaft in Europa? Die Umsetzung der MiFID aus Sicht europäischer Marktplatzbetreiber
In: Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB), 1/2008, pp. 2-11; Köln 2008

Gomber, Peter; Rohr, Peter; Schweickert, Uwe
Sports betting as a new asset class
– current market organization and options for development
In: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, No. 2/2008, pp. 169-192; Springer, Boston 2008

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael; Gsell, Markus; Pujol, Gregor
Status und Entwicklung der MiFID-Umsetzung in der deutschen Finanzindustrie
In: Zeitschrift fuer Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB), Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 313-324 2007

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco
Applying Pricing Engineering for Electronic Financial Markets
In: Electronic Markets, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 298-308 2007

Engelen, Peter-Jan; Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Facing New Regulatory Frameworks in Securities Trading
In: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries; Volume 1, No. 4, December 2006, Special Issue on The Future of Alternative Trading Systems and ECNs in Global Financial Markets, pp. 487-496.

Beimborn, Daniel; Franke, Jochen; Gomber, Peter; Wagner, Heinz-Theo; Weitzel, Tim
Die Bedeutung des Alignments von IT und Fachressourcen in Finanzprozessen: Eine empirische Untersuchung
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 331-339;  2006

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Catching up with technology
– The impact of regulatory changes on ECNs/MTFs and the trading venue landscape in Europe
In: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries; Volume 1, No. 4, December 2006, Special Issue on The Future of Alternative Trading Systems and ECNs in Global Financial Markets, pp. 535-557 2006

Gomber, Peter; Budimir, Miroslav; Schweickert, Uwe
Volume Discovery: Leveraging Liquidity in the Depth of an Order Driven Market
In: Electronic Markets
– The International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.101-111; St. Gallen 2006

Gomber, Peter; Reininger, Claudia
Reg NMS - Treiber der Börsenkonsolidierung in den USA
In: Der Finanzbetrieb, Heft 1, S. 33 - 37 2006

Gomber, Peter; Seitz, Jochen
Neue Transparenzregeln fuer den Wertpapierhandel in Europa
In: Quarterly Journals of Economic Research (DIW), Vol. 4 , pp. 153-166;  2005

Budimir, Miroslav; Gomber, Peter
Transaktionsdienstleistungen und Handelsprozesse im Wandel
In: BIT - Banking and Information Technology, Sonderheft zur Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik,Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 77-90;  2004

Gomber, Peter; Maurer, K.-O.
Xetra Best - Integration of market access intermediaries requirements into market design
In: Electronic Markets - The International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 214-222;  2004

Gomber, Peter; Holtman, C.; Kurbjuweit, C.; Moderer, S.
Wertpapierboersen im Internet - Informationsangebot aus Sicht des Privatanlegers
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 168-174;  2000

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Pricing in Multi-Agent Systems for Transportation Planning
In: Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 271-280.;  2000

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter
Elektronisierung des ausserboerslichen Wertpapierhandels - Konzeption und Engineering eines finanzwirtschaftlich und mikrooekonomisch basierten Multi-Agenten-Ansatzes
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 516-525;  1999

Gomber, Peter; Budimir, Miroslav; Kosciankowski, K.; Urtheil, R.; Lohmann, L.; Nopper, N.; Henning, P.
Agentenbasierter Rentenhandel
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 124-131;  1999

Gomber, Peter; Budimir, Miroslav
Dynamische Marktmodelle im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 218-225;  1999

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Efficiency, Incentives, and Computational Tractability in the Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
In: International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-14;  1999

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Elektronische Maerkte fuer die dezentrale Transportplanung
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 137-145;  1997

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter
Domaenenunabhaengige Koordinationsmechanismen fuer die dezentrale betriebliche Planung
In: IM Information Management, Vol. 1, pp. 6 - 16;  1996

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Synergie und Koordination in dezentral planenden Organisationen
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 299 - 307;  1996

Weinhardt, Christof; Kirn, S.; Gomber, Peter
KI-Methoden in der Finanzwirtschaft: grundlegende Fragen, Stand der Forschung, Einsatzpotentiale
In: KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz, Vol. 4, pp. 8 - 17;  1996

Weinhardt, Christof; Detloff, U.; Gomber, Peter; Krause, Ralph; Schneider, J.
IV-Unterstuetzung in der Finanzierungsberatung - Integration von Methoden und Paradigmen
In: Business Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 5 - 14;  1994


Practitioner Journals

Bender, Micha; Cestonaro, Tino; Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander
Research Unbundling and COVID-19: Will Europe's Capital Markets Recovery Package Help?
In: Journal of Investing, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 96-107;  2021

Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin; Lausen, Jens; Panz, Sven
The Impact of MiFID II/MiFIR on European Market Structure: A Survey among Market Experts
In: The Journal of Trading, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 35-46;  2018
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Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin; Haferkorn, Martin; Panz, Sven; Jentsch, Paul
Ensuring Market Integrity and Stability: Circuit Breakers on International Trading Venues
In: The Journal of Trading, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 42-54;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Sagade, Satchit; Theissen, E.; Weber, Moritz Christian; Westheide, Christian
The State of Play in European Over-the-Counter Equities Trading
In: Journal of Trading, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 23-32;  2015
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Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Pierron, Axel; Weber, Moritz Christian
Shedding Light on the Dark - OTC Equities Trading in Europe
In: Journal of Trading, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 74-86;  2011
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Gomber, Peter; Ende , Bartholomäus; Gsell, Markus
Order Handling of Institutional Investors
In: Journal of Trading, Volume 4, No. 4, pp. 10-31 2009

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael
Implementing MiFID by European execution venues
– Between threat and opportunity
In: Journal of Trading, Spring 2008, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 18-28 2008

Chlistalla, Michael; Gomber, Peter; Groth, Sven
The New Landscape: How MiFID Drives Changes Among European Execution Venues
In: Journal of Trading, Fall 2007, Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 69-79;  2007

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael; Gsell, Markus; Pujol, Gregor
Ist Deutschland „ready“ für die MiFID?
In: BankPraktiker, Issue 07B, pp. 8-9 2007

Beimborn, Daniel; Franke, Jochen; Gomber, Peter
IT-Business-Alignment und der Wertbeitrag der IT – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie unter den 1.000 größten deutschen Banken
In: Zeitschrift "IM - Information Management & Consulting“, 1/2007;  2007

Gomber, Peter; Hirschberg, Holger
Ende oder Stärkung der konventionellen Börsen? - Die Umsetzung der Finanzmarktrichtlinie in Deutschland
In: Die Aktiengesellschaft, Vol. 21/2006, pp. 777-784. 2006

Gomber, Peter; Wittner, Roland
Systematic Internalisers - The new Trading Animals in Europe
In: Journal of Trading, Autumn 2006, Volume 1, Number 4, pp. 104-110;  2006

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus; Wranik, Adrian
Algorithmic Trading - Maschinen auf Finanzmärkten
In: Die Bank, Sonderausgabe zur E.B.I.F. (European Banking & Insurance Fair) 2005, S. 40 - 45 2005

Gomber, Peter; Seitz, Jochen
How Europe
’s trading reform is taking shape
In: International Financial Law Review, June 2005, S. 28-30;  2005

Gomber, Peter; Schweickert, Uwe
Der Market Impact: Liquiditätsmaß im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel
In: Die Bank 7, S. 485-489 2002

Gomber, Peter; Kirchner, T.
Blockhandel auf Xetra
In: Die Bank 4, S. 312-315 2001

Gomber, Peter; Kirchner, T.
Process and Transaction Cost Efficiency through Xetra XXL
In: The European Economics and Financial Centre (Hrsg.): Economic & Financial Computing, S. 20-28 2001

Gomber, Peter
OptiMark - ein neues Handelssystem in den USA
In: Die Bank 11, S. 682 - 684 1998


Conference Proceedings

Clapham, Benjamin; Jakobs, Jenny, Schmidt, Julian; Gomber, Peter; Muntermann, Jan
A Taxonomy of Violations in Digital Asset Markets
In: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems; Hyderabad, India, 2023

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Koch, Jascha-Alexander; Gomber, Peter (2023)
A Framework to Measure Corporate Regulatory Exposure
In: Proceedings of the 11th International FinanceCom Workshop 2022, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 467, pp. 36-51, Eds.: J. van Hillegersberg, J. Osterrieder, F. Rabhi, A. Abhishta, V. Marisetty, and X. Huang; Springer, Cham; 2023
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Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin; Lausen, Jens; Panz, Sven
The MiFIR Trading Obligation: Impact on Trading Volume and Liquidity in Electronic Trading
In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Vol. 345, pp. 3-26, Eds.: N. Mehandjiev and B. Saadouni; Springer, Cham 2019
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Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Lutat, Marco; Zimmermann, Kai
The Effect of Single-Stock Circuit Breakers on the Quality of Fragmented Markets
In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 135, Eds.: F. A. Rabhi & P. Gomber, pp. 71-87; Springer, Berlin 2013

Ende , Bartholomäus; Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Weber, Moritz Christian
A methodology to assess the benefits of smart order routing
In: Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, Software Services for e-World.
13E 2010. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 321; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2010

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
The Implementation of European Best Execution Obligations - An Analysis for the German Market
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry; Springer LNBIP, pp. 126-144 2009

Ende , Bartholomäus; Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco
Smart Order Routing Technology in the New European Equity Trading Landscape
In: Software Services for e-Business and e-Society, 9th IFIP WG 6.1 Conference, I3E 2009; Proceedings, pp. 197-209, Springer, Boston 2009

Gsell, Markus; Gomber, Peter
Algorithmic trading engines versus human traders - Do they behave different in securities markets?
In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009); Verona, Italy 2009
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Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
The Implementation of European Best Execution Obligations - An Analysis for the German Market
In: 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2008); Paris, France 2008

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Wranik, Adrian
Flexible VWAP Executions in Electronic Trading
In: Fourteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS); Toronto, Canada 2008
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Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Wranik, Adrian
Flexible VWAP Executions in Electronic Trading
In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 4, Ed: Veit, D.J., pp. 1-14; Springer, Berlin 2008

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael
MiFID - Catalyst for a new trading landscape in Europe?
In: Pre-Conference Proceedings of the 1st Special Focus Symposium on Market Microstructure: From Orders to Prices - Best Execution in the Age of Algo Trading and Event Stream Processing, 1st International Conference on Advances and Systems Research; Zadar, Croatia 2007

Gomber, Peter; Pak, James
Briefing on Algo Trading
In: Proceedings of the WFE IOMA/IOCA Annual Conference 2007, pp. 17-18; Mexico City, Mexico 2007

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus; Reininger, Claudia
MiFID-Readiness - Die Umsetzung der MiFID "Markets in Financial Instruments Directive" in der deutschen Finanzindustrie
In: Proceedings of the 8.
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007), vol. 2, pp. 741-758; Karlsruhe 2007

Ende , Bartholomäus; Gomber, Peter; Wranik, Adrian
An Order-Channel Management Framework for Institutional Investors
In: Proceedings of the 8.
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007), Vol. 2, pp. 705-722; Karlsruhe 2007

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter; Holtman, C.
Online-Brokerage, Transforming markets from professional to retail trading
In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS2000, S. 826-832; Wien 2000

Gomber, Peter; Weinhardt, Christof
Agent Mediated Off Exchange Trading
In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; Maui, Hawaii 1999

Budimir, Miroslav; Gomber, Peter
Dynamische Marktmodelle im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel
In: Scheer, A. W., Nüttgens, M. (Hrsg.): Electronic Business Engineering, Tagungsband zur Wirtschaftsinformatik '99, Physica-Verlag, S. 251-269. Best Paper Award der 4. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik WI’99; Heidelberg 1999

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Auctions in Electronic Commerce - Efficiency versus Computational Tractability
In: Lee, J. K. et al. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce
‘98, S. 43 - 48.; Seoul, Korea 1998

Gomber, Peter; Budimir, Miroslav; Kosciankowski, K.; Urtheil, R.
Elektronisierung des außerbörslichen Rentenhandels auf Basis von Softwareagenten
In: Weinhardt, Ch., Mayer zu Selhausen, H., Morlock, M. (Hrsg.): Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft, Springer, S. 253 - 267. Best Paper Award der Tagung Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft IF’98.; Heidelberg 1998

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Efficiency and Incentives in MAS-Coordination
In: Galliers, R. et al. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS
’ 97), Volume II, S. 1040 - 1051; Cork, Ireland 1997

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter; Krause, Ralph
Financial Engineering System - FES: Ein integriertes wissensbasiertes Informationssystem
In: 17. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz KI '93; Berlin 1993


Books and Chapters in Books

Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin
Die Börse im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
In: Von der Traditionsbörse zum digitalen Marktplatz – Die Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse und der Wertpapierhandel in Deutschland von der Weimarer Zeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert, pp. 231-326, Eds.: H. Floto-Degener / B. Rudolph; Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2022

Groß, Georg; Gomber, Peter; Lausen, Jens; Clapham, Benjamin
Regulatory Reporting Solutions: (Mehr-)Wert aus regulatorischen Verpflichtungen schaffen
In: Handbuch Finanzinformationen: Der digitale Wandel und die naechste Generation von Finanzinformationssystemen, pp. 227-248, Eds.: A. Eisenhofer and K. Brooimans; FinanzBuch Verlag, Muenchen 2018
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Gomber, Peter; Zimmermann, Kai
Algorithmic Trading in Practice
In: The Oxford Handbook of Computational Economics and Finance; Oxford University Press 2018
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Gomber, Peter; Gvozdevskiy, Ilya
Dark Trading under MiFID II
In: Regulation of the EU Financial Markets; Oxford University Press 2017
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Francioni, Reto; Gomber, Peter
High Frequency Trading: Market Structure Matters
In: Equity Markets in Transition, Eds.: R. Francioni and R. Schwartz, pp. 363-390; Springer International Publishing 2017
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Rabhi, F.A.; Gomber, Peter
Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry
In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 135, Eds.: F. A. Rabhi & P. Gomber; Springer, Berlin 2013

Gomber, Peter; Zimmermann, Kai
Wertpapierhandel im Kontext des technologischen Wandels - der algorithmische Handel
In: Finanzdienstleister der naechsten Generation, Die neue digitale Macht der Kunden, O. Everling, R. Lempka (Hrsg.);  Frankfurt School Verlag, Frankfurt 2013

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus; Lutat, Marco
The quality of European equity markets after MiFID
In: Lazzari, V. (Ed.), Trends in the European Securities Industry; EGEA, Milan, pp. 179-200 2011

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
The emerging landscape in European securities trading
In: Lazzari, V. (Ed.), Trends in the European Securities Industry; EGEA, Milan, pp. 97-133 2011

Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
The issuers perspective on post-trading barriers
In: Lazzari, V. (Ed.), Trends in the European Securities Industry; EGEA, Milan, pp. 231-252 2011

Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
The emerging landscape of the European post-trading industry
In: Lazzari, V. (Ed.), Trends in the European Securities Industry; EGEA, Milan, pp. 201-229 2011

Chlistalla, Michael; Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
The Future of the European Post-Trading System - A Delphi Study on the Future of the European Post-Trading System in the Light of Globalization and the Financial Crisis
In: Ibidem-Verlag; Hannover 2010

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
Regulation and Technology in Equity Trading
– The Impact of Regulatory and Technological Changes on Order Execution and the Trading Venue Landscape in Europe
In: Engelen, P.-J. and Lannoo, K. (Eds.) "Facing New Regulatory Frameworks in Securities Trading in Europe"; Intersentia and Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), pp. 31-54 2009

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Catching Up with Technology: The Impact of Regulatory Changes on ECNs/MTFs and the Trading Venue Landscape in Europe
In: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive - A Competitive Landscape, Eds.: Bala Bharathi Y, Lingisetti Venu, pp. 145-170; ICFAI Books, Hyderabad, India 2009
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Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
A New Basic Law for Securities Trading in Europe
In: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive - A Competitive Landscape, Eds.: Bala Bharathi Y, Lingisetti Venu, pp. 3-11; ICFAI Books, Hyderabad, India 2009
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Gomber, Peter
Die Interaktion von Finanzwirtschaft und Universität am Finanzplatz Frankfurt am Main
In: Plötz, W., Franke-Kremer, J. (Eds.): Top 500 Frankfurt / Rhein-Main. Societäts-Verlag; Frankfurt am Main 2008

Beimborn, Daniel; Franke, Jochen; Gomber, Peter; König, Wolfgang; Wagner, Heinz-Theo; Weitzel, Tim
Business-IT-Alignment in deutschen Banken - Die Rolle von IT für die Geschäftsprozesse und die Wettbewerbsposition deutscher Kreditinstitute
In: Books on Demand GmbH; Norderstedt 2008

Gomber, Peter
MiFID - Anspruch und Status einer europäischer Wertpapierrichtlinie
In: von Böhlen, Andreas; Kan, Jens (Hrsg.): MiFID-Kompendium - Praktischer Leitfaden für Finanzdienstleister; Springer, Berlin 2008

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Schubert, Steffen
Capital Markets in the Gulf: International Access, Electronic Trading and Regulation
In: Seese, Detlef; Weinhardt, Christof; Schlottmann, Frank (eds.): Handbook on Information Technology in Finance, pp. 141-170; Springer, Berlin 2008
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Gomber, Peter; König, Wolfgang; Beimborn, Daniel; Franke, Jochen; Wagner, Heinz-Theo; Weitzel, Tim
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren in Finanzprozessen - IT-Management und Alignment im Kreditprozess der 1.000 groessten Banken in Deutschland
In: Books on Demand GmbH; Norderstedt 2007

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael; Gsell, Markus; Pujol, Gregor; Steenbergen, Jan
Umsetzung der MiFID in Deutschland - Empirische Studien zu Status Quo und Entwicklung der MiFID-Readiness der deutschen Finanzindustrie
In: Books on Demand GmbH; Norderstedt 2007
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Gomber, Peter; Riess, R.; Budimir, Miroslav
Market Model Convergence in Equities Trading
In: Festschrift für Hartmut Schmidt, Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bessler; Duncker & Humblot GmbH, pp. 45-70 2006

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
A new basic law for securities trading in Europe
In: Handbook of World Stock, Derivative and Commodity Exchanges , pp.
XXIII - XXV; London 2006

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter
In: Bühner, R. (Hrsg.): Lexikon des Managementwissens, Oldenburg Verlag, S. 695-698; München 2001

Zickwolff, M.; Gomber, Peter
Challenges for European Equity Markets
In: Schwartz, R. A., Wood, R. A., Ozenbas, D. (Hrsg.): Improving Trading Efficiency in European Equity Markets, Westminster and City Programmes, S. 154-158; London 2001

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter; Holtman, C.; Groffmann, Hans-Dieter
Online-Brokerage als Teil des Online-Banking - Phasenintegration als strategische Chance
In: Locarek-Junge, H., Walter, B. (Hrsg.): Banken im Wandel: Direktbanken und Direct Banking, Berlin Verlag, Bd. 18, S. 99-120; Berlin 2000

Gomber, Peter
Elektronische Handelssysteme - Innovative Konzepte und Technologien im Wertpapierhandel
In: Physica Verlag; Heidelberg 2000

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter; Krause, Ralph
Virtual Banking - neue Entwicklungen in der Angebotsstruktur deutscher Kreditinstitute
In: Hippner, H. et al. (Hrsg.): Computer Based Marketing - Das Handbuch zur Marketinginformatik, Vieweg, S. 413 - 421; Braunschweig und Wiesbaden 1998


Working Papers

Clapham, Benjamin; Ewald, Florian; Gomber, Peter; Trimpe, Niklas
Don’t Stop Me Now! Identification and Prediction of Unnecessary Volatility Interruptions
In: Working Paper, presented at the 2024 NYSE Microstructure Meets AI Conference; New York, USA and the 29th Forecasting Financial Markets Conference; Oxford, UK
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Lausen, Jens; Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Bender, Micha
Drivers and Effects of Stock Market Fragmentation - Insights on SME Stocks
In: Working Paper; presented at 29th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association, 4th Annual Plato Market Innovator Conference, 37th Conference of the French Finance Association, and 61st Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings;  2021
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Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Panz, Sven
Coordination of Circuit Breakers? Volume Migration and Volatility Spillover in Fragmented Markets
In: Working Paper; presented at the CEPR-Imperial-Plato Inaugural Market Innovator (MI3) Conference; London, UK, the 24th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF 2017); Ulm, Germany and the SFA 2017; Key West, Florida, United States;  2017
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Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Panz, Sven
Managing Excess Volatility: Design and Effectiveness of Circuit Breakers
In: Working Paper; presented at the 34th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI 2017); Valence, France and the Southern Finance Association 2017 Annual Meetings (SFA 2017); Key West, Florida, United States;  2017
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Gomber, Peter; Sagade, Satchit; Theissen, E.; Weber, Moritz Christian; Westheide, Christian
Spoilt for Choice: Order Routing Decisions in Fragmented Equity Markets
In: Working Paper; presented at DGF 2018; Trier, Germany, SGF 2015; Zurich, Switzerland, IFABS 2015; Hangzhou, China, AsianFA2015; Changsha, China, FMA 2015; Orlando, Florida, USA, SFA 2015; Captiva Island, Florida, USA and FMA Europe 2015; Venice, Italy;  2015
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Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Zimmermann, Kai
Securities Transaction Tax and Market Quality: The Case of France
In: Working Paper; presented at the Social Science Research Conference (Best Paper Award); Dubai, UAE 2014

Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Lutat, Marco; Zimmermann, Kai
Single Stock Circuit Breakers - Issues in Fragmented Markets
In: Working Paper, presented at the Frontiers of Finance 2012; Warwick, U.K. 2012

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Haferkorn, Martin; Zimmermann, Kai
Circuit Breakers in Fragmented Markets - An Assessment
In: Working Paper, presented at the 9th International Conference on Business and Finance; Hyderabad, India 2012
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Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Weber, Moritz Christian
The impact of MiFID on market quality
In: Working Paper; presented at the 15th International Business Research Conference; Sydney, Australia 2011

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
Best Execution Implementation and Broker Policies in Fragmented European Equity Markets
In: Working Paper; presented at the Annual Hawaii International Business Research Conference; Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 2011

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus; Lutat, Marco
Competition among electronic markets and market quality
In: Working Paper; presented at the 2011 Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meetings; Savannah, GA, USA and the 14th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF); Zurich, Switzerland 2011
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Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
Best Execution in Fragmented European Equity Markets: A Longitudinal Analysis of Broker Policies
In: Working Paper; presented at the FinanceCom 2010; Frankfurt 2010

Chlistalla, Michael; Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
The Future of European Post-Trading - Consequences for Risk Management in View of the Financial Crisis
In: Working Paper, presented at the 8th INFINITI Conference on International Finance; Dublin, Ireland 2010

Ende , Bartholomäus; Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco
The Economic Value of Smart Order Routing in European Equity Trading
In: Working Paper; presented at the 5th International Finance Conference; Hammamet, Tunisia 2009

Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
Impact of Information Technology on Settlement Services for Equities
In: Report of Market Study (September 2007) 2007

Gomber, Peter; Schweickert, Uwe; Theissen, E.
Zooming in on Liquidity
In: Working Paper; presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association; Maastricht, and 11th Annual Conference of the German Finance Association; Tuebingen;  2004

Gomber, Peter; Theissen, E.; Schweickert, Uwe
Die Vierte Dimension: Erneuerungskraft im Handel auf Xetra
In: Working Paper; presented at the 9th Conference Finance, Banking and Insurance, Karlsruhe; Karlsruhe 2002

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Coordination in multi-agent systems
In: Working Paper; presented at the 3rd meeting of the European Working Group on Hierarchichal Organizational Planning; Mannheim 1999

Weinhardt, Christof; Gomber, Peter
Elektronisierung des ausserboerslichen Wertpapierhandels - Konzeption und Engineering eines finanzwirtschaftlich und mikrooekonomisch basierten Multi-Agenten-Ansatzes
In: Working Paper; presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the German Finance Association; Hamburg 1998

Gomber, Peter; Schmidt, Claudia; Weinhardt, Christof
Efficiency, Incentives, and Computational Tractability in the Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
In: Working Paper; presented at a Workshop; Frankfurt/M. 1998



Clapham, Benjamin; Bender, Micha; Lausen, Jens; Gomber, Peter
Regulatory Impact Analysis in Case of Unstructured Data
In: efl insights 01/2023; Frankfurt am Main 2023
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Gomber, Peter
Research Unbundling: Höhere Kapitalkosten und Finanzierungsrisiken für KMUs als unbeabsichtigte Folgen der MiFID II?
In: FIRM Newsletter Oktober 2020 2020

Clapham, Benjamin; Siering, Michael; Gomber, Peter
Investor Attention and Algorithmic Decision Making in Financial Markets
In: efl insights 01/2020; Frankfurt am Main 2020
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Gomber, Peter
Wie Technologie die Finanzmaerkte demokratisiert
In: 50 Jahre HSBC INKA;  2018
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Gomber, Peter; Weber, Moritz Christian
Fachbeitrag: elektronisches Handelssystem
In: Gabler Banklexikon;  2018

Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin
Fachbeitrag: High Frequency Trading
In: Gabler Banklexikon;  2018

Gomber, Peter; Zimmermann, Kai
Fachbeitrag: Internalisierung
In: Gabler Banklexikon;  2018

Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin
Fachbeitrag: multilaterales Handelssystem
In: Gabler Banklexikon;  2018

Gomber, Peter; Kauffman, Robert J.; Parker, Chris; Weber, Bruce W.
Navigating the Fintech Landscape with a Customer-Market-Competition Matrix
In: LSE Business Review;  2018
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Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander; Siering, Michael
FinTech und Digital Finance im Bereich der Mittelstandsfinanzierung
In: Der Bank Blog;  2018
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Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin; Panz, Sven
Management of Market Price Risks: Regulation and Coordination of Volatility Interruptions in Europe
In: FIRM Yearbook 2018, pp. 167-168; Association for Risk Management and Regulation, Frankfurt;  2018
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Clapham, Benjamin; Gomber, Peter; Lausen, Jens; Panz, Sven
Enhancing Market Liquidity through Liquidity Provider Incentives
In: EFL Quarterly, 1/2018; Frankfurt am Main 2018

Gomber, Peter; Koch, Jascha-Alexander; Siering, Michael
The Status Quo of Research on Digital Finance and FinTech
In: EFL Quarterly, 3/2017; Frankfurt am Main 2017
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Gomber, Peter; Clapham, Benjamin; Haferkorn, Martin; Panz, Sven; Jentsch, Paul
Circuit Breakers - A Survey among International Trading Venues
In: WFE Research Studies & Reports;  2016
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Gomber, Peter
The German Equity Trading Landscape
In: SAFE White Paper No. 34;  2016
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Groth, Sven; Siering, Michael; Gomber, Peter
Forecasting News-Related Liquidity Shocks: Extracting Signals from Unstructured Data
In: EFL Quarterly, 1/2015; Frankfurt am Main;  2015
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Gomber, Peter
Securities Trading in the Electronic Age
In: Depositarium, Vol. 136, Issue 1;  2015
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Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin; Zimmermann, Kai
Securities Transaction Tax in France: Impact on Market Quality and Inter-Market Price Coordination
In: Policy Letter No. 11;  2014
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Gomber, Peter; Haferkorn, Martin
Fachbeitrag: High Frequency Trading
In: The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology;  2014

Gomber, Peter; Muntermann, Jan; Siering, Michael
Combining Structured and Unstructured Data Sources for Support in Financial Decision Making
In: House of Finance Newsletter 4/2012; Frankfurt, Germany 2012

Gomber, Peter; Uhle, Tim; Zimmermann, Kai
Geld rast um die Welt - Der Wertpapierhandel im 21. Jahrhundert
In: Forschung Frankfurt, 2/2012; Frankfurt am Main 2012

Gomber, Peter
The Impact of International Cross-Market Regulation - Life after MiFID

Gomber, Peter
Zwischen Nutzeffekten und Risiken - Hochfrequenzhandel - eine High-End-Technologie zur Umsetzung etablierter Handelsstrategien
In: Börsenzeitung Nr. 168 2011

Arndt, Björn; Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Uhle, Tim
High-Frequency Trading - A European Perspective
In: HoF Quarterly 02/2011, pp. 9-10; Frankfurt 2011

Gomber, Peter; Arndt, Björn; Lutat, Marco; Uhle, Tim
High Frequency Trading
In: Study Report;  2011
[Find It]

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
Best Execution - Umsetzung der regulatorischen Anforderungen im Zeitablauf
In: Corporate Finance biz 1/2011, pp. 24-37 2011

Gomber, Peter; Pierron, Axel
OTC trading and Broker/Dealer Crossing Networks in European equity markets
In: Focus 07/2011, pp. 11-13;  World Federation of Exchanges, Paris 2011

Gomber, Peter; Pierron, Axel
MiFID - Spirit and Reality of a European Financial Markets Directive
In: Research Report 2010

Schwartz, Robert A.; Gomber, Peter
Market prices, fundamental values and market data
In: BT Re:Sources Financial Markets Newsletter, March;  2010

Chlistalla, Michael; Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
The Future of the European Post-Trading System
In: EFL Quarterly 02/2010, pp. 6-8; Frankfurt 2010

Gomber, Peter
Der Kampf um Millisekunden
In: transaction, pp. 14-15 2009

Gomber, Peter; Ende , Bartholomäus; Gsell, Markus
Order Handling of Institutional Investors
In: EFL Quarterly 02/2009, pp. 6-8; Frankfurt 2009

Gomber, Peter
The transformed environment of the derivatives industry after recent market turmoil
In: Focus 03/2009, pp. 4-7; World Federation of Exchanges, Paris 2009

Gomber, Peter; Ende , Bartholomäus; Gsell, Markus
Order Handling of Institutional Investors
In: Study Report 2009

Gomber, Peter; Pujol, Gregor; Wranik, Adrian
The Implementation of European Best Execution Obligations in Germany
In: EFL Quarterly 04/2008, pp. 4-5 2008

Gomber, Peter; Lutat, Marco; Wranik, Adrian
Flexible Volume Weighted Average Price Executions
In: EFL Quarterly 02/2008, pp. 6-8 2008

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Algorithmic Trading
In: "Geld&Brief", Kundenmagazin der Börsen Hamburg und Hannover, 2/2008, pp. 8-9; BÖAG Hannover 2008

Gomber, Peter; Schaper, Torsten
Trends im europäischen Settlement von Wertpapieren
In: Handelsblatt Veranstaltungen, Newsletter 01/2008, pp. 10-11 2008

Gomber, Peter; Chlistalla, Michael; Gsell, Markus; Pujol, Gregor
Die Umsetzung der MiFID “Markets in Financial Instruments Directive“ in der deutschen Finanzindustrie - Auswertung der 2. MiFID-Studie (März 2007)

Gomber, Peter; Gsell, Markus
Catching up with technology
– The impact of regulatory changes on ECNs/MTFs and the trading venue landscape in Europe
In: Automated Trader Magazin (online-only Bootstrap section) 2007

Franke, Jochen; Gomber, Peter
Die IT- und die Fachabteilung - Zwei Welten in einer Bank? Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Zusammenarbeit von Fach- und IT-Abteilungen mit den 1.000 größten deutschen Banken
In: Working Paper 2007

Ende , Bartholomäus; Gomber, Peter; Wranik, Adrian
Order Channel Management
In: EFL Quarterly, pp. 6-8. 2007

Gomber, Peter
Keine Neuordnung der europäischen Finanzmärkte
In: Börsenzeitung, 17.01.2007, p. 20. 2007

Gomber, Peter; Groth, Sven
Algorithmic Trading - Trends and Impact on the Exchange Industry
In: Focus no. 166, December 2006, World Federation of Exchanges, pp. 48-52; Paris 2006

Gomber, Peter; König, Wolfgang; Beimborn, Daniel; Franke, Jochen; Wagner, Heinz-Theo; Weitzel, Tim
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren in Finanzprozessen - IT-Management und Alignment im Kreditprozess der 1.000 größten Banken in Deutschland

Gomber, Peter; Reininger, Claudia; Gsell, Markus; Ende , Bartholomäus
Is the German financial industry ready for MiFID?
In: EFL Quarterly, pp. 4-5. 2006

Gomber, Peter; Riess, R.
Neue Geschäftsgrundlage für den Wertpapierhandel in Europa
In: EFL Quarterly 2006

Gomber, Peter; Schweickert, Uwe
Transaktionskosten im institutionellen Wertpapierhandel
In: IF-News, Newsletter der Fachgruppe Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft, No. 10, 2001, S. 13-16 2001

Gomber, Peter
Softwareagenten statt Telefon und Broker
In: Spiegel der Forschung - Wissenschaftsmagazin der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, S. 31-36; Gießen 2000
