Florian Ewald


+49 (69) 798-33854




RuW 2.206

Office Hours:

On Appointment

Florian Ewald completed his Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration (B.Sc.) with a focus in Economics at Goethe University Frankfurt in 2020. In 2023, he obtained a Master's degree in Business Administration (M.Sc.) with a focus in Finance from Goethe University Frankfurt, specializing in electronic securities trading and quantitative analysis of financial markets. In his thesis, he examined the advancement of algorithms for optimal order execution using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Furthermore, he currently pursues a second Master's degree in Business Informatics, concentrating on Machine Learning. During his studies, he completed the "Honors Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship", a program jointly offered by Goethe University Frankfurt, Philipps University Marburg, and TU Darmstadt.

Since May 2023, Florian Ewald is a research assistant at the chair of e-Finance.

Research Interests:

Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Finance
Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading
Market Microstructure



Working Papers

Clapham, Benjamin; Ewald, Florian; Gomber, Peter; Trimpe, Niklas
Don’t Stop Me Now! Identification and Prediction of Unnecessary Volatility Interruptions
In: Working Paper, presented at the 2024 NYSE Microstructure Meets AI Conference; New York, USA and the 29th Forecasting Financial Markets Conference; Oxford, UK
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