Past Terms
Lectures in summer term 2024
- Projektseminar: BAlgorithmic and High Frequency Trading. (Themen, QIS, OLAT).
- Lecture: Business Information Systems 1 (BWIN).
- Lecture: Introduction to Information Management (OWIN, PO 2009).
- Lecture: Microstructure of Financial Markets.
Lectures in winter term 2023/2024
- Lecture: Business Information Systems 1 (BWIN, neue PO).
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets.
- Lecture: Business Information Systems 1 (OWIN, PO 2009).
- Seminar: Topics in e-Finance.
Lectures in summer term 2023
- Masterseminar: Topics in e-Finance.
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading.
- Seminar: Microstructure of Financial Markets.
Lectures in winter term 2022/2023
- Lecture: Microstructure of Financial Markets.
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets.
- Seminar: FinTech: New Financial Technologies and their Analysis.
- Bachelorseminar: Topics in e-Finance.
Lectures in summer term 2022
- Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1 (OWIN).
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading.
Lectures in winter term 2021/2022
- Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1 (OWIN).
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1).
Lectures in summer term 2021
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading.
- Seminar: FinTech: New Financial Technologies and their Analysis.
Lectures in winter term 2020/2021
In winter semester 2020/21, Mr. Gomber has a research semester.
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services - Single View
Lectures in summer term 2020
- Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1 (OWIN).
- Lecture: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading.
Lectures in winter term 2019/2020
- Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1 (OWIN).
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1).
- Masterseminar: Topics in e-Finance.
Lectures in summer term 2019
- Masterseminar: Digitale Assets und FinTech-Plattformen: Chancen und Herausforderungen
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading (Master).
Lectures in winter term 2018/2019
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1).
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services (EFN3).
- Masterseminar: Regulatory Impact Analysis Using the Case of the MIFID II/MiFIR Implementation.
- Bachelorseminar: Digitization of the Financial Industry.
Lectures in summer term 2018
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor).
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading (Master).
Lectures in winter term 2017/2018
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1).
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor).
- Seminar: MiFID II / MiFIR - Revolution oder Evolution der europäischen Finanzmärkte? (Master).
Lectures in summer term 2017
- Seminar: Elektronische Märkte – Theorie und Anwendungen (Bachelor).
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading (Master).
Lectures in winter term 2016/2017
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services (EFN3)
Lectures in summer term 2016
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1)
- Lecture:Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor)
- Seminar: Digital Finance - Innovation und Data Analytics
Lectures in winter term 2015 / 2016
- Lecture: Aktuelle Themen in Wertpapierhandel und -abwicklung (EFN3)
Lectures in summer term 2015
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading (EFN2)
- Seminar: Elektronischer Handel in Europa: Anforderungen und Implikationen der MiFID II
- Seminar: Innovationsmanagement und Innovationen im Bereich e-Finance
Lectures in winter term 2014 / 2015
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor)
- Seminar: Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading Seminar
Lectures in summer term 2014
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading (EFN2)
- Lecture: OWIN
- Seminar: Digitization in the Finance Sector
Lectures in winter term 2013 / 2014
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (EFN1)
- Seminar: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services (EFN3)
- Lecture: Seminar „Trading Algorithms“
Lectures in summer term 2013
- Lecture: EFN2 (Master)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Master)
Lectures in summer term 2012
- Lecture: EFN2 (Master)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 (Bachelor)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Master)
Lectures in summer term 2011
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading (e-Finance 2)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Master)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Bachelor)
Lectures in winter term 2010/2011
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets
- Lecture: e-Finance Seminar (Master and Diploma)
- Seminar: Business Informatics 1 (OWIN) (Bachelor)
Lectures in summer term 2010
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading (e-Finance 2)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 OWIN 1 (Bachelor)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Master und Diplom)
Lectures in winter term 2009/2010
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services (EFN3:SWI6)
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (Master (EFN1)
- Seminar: e-Finance Seminar (Master and Diploma)
Lectures in summer term 2009
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets Master (EFN1), Diplom (EFN1:SWI6)
- Lecture: Business Models in Securities Trading
- Seminar: Design of electronic Markets - Theory and Applications
Lectures in winter term 2008/2009
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading [EFN2:SWI6]
Lectures in summer term 2008
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services (EFN3:SWI6)
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets (WPMM:EFN1)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1[OWIN]
- Seminar: Comparison of Value Chains in Securities Trading
- PhD Seminar: Data Collection and Data Analysis in Information Systems Research
Lectures in winter term 2007/2008
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading [EFN2:SWI6]
- Seminar e-Finance: Competition in the Securities Industry
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 [OWIN]
Lectures in summer term 2007
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services [EFN3:SWI6]
- Lecture: Trading and Electronic Financial Markets [EFN1:SWI6]
- Seminar: New asset classes, market forms and technologies for electronic trading (GOMS:07WI)
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1
Lectures in winter term 2006/2007
- Lecture: Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading [EFI2:SWI6]
- Seminar: Market Microstructure Theory and Electronic Markets [GOMW:07WI]
Lectures in summer term 2006
- Lecture: Information Systems in Financial Markets [EFI1:SWI6]
(wird auch im Schwerpunkt Finanzen anerkannt)
- Lecture: Current Topics in Securities Trading and Post-Trade Services [AKWP:SWI6]
- Seminar: Internal und Interplant Coordination over Markets [GOMS:06WI]
Lectures in winter term 2005/2006
- Lecture: e-Finance 2 [EFI2:SWI6]
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 [WIN1:GWI8]
- Seminar: Innovative Concepts in Electronic Stock Trading [GO1W:06WI]
- Seminar: Network Effects, Competition Economies and Transaction Costs in Stock Markets [GO2W:06WI]
Lectures in summer term 2005
- Lecture: Business Informatics 1 [WIN1:GWI8]
- Lectures: Informe-Finance 1 [EFI1:SWI6
Lectures in winter term 2004/2005
- Lecture: Electronic trading and the ISD 2 [GOMW:05WI]