News Archive
[18/12/24] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[05/12/24] | Prof. Gomber was invited by the New York Stock Exchange to present the paper, “Don’t Stop Me Now! Identification and Prediction of Unnecessary Volatility Interruptions,” at the “Microstructure Meets AI Conference” in New York. This conference brings together leading academics and industry professionals to discuss practical applications of academic research for exchanges and financial markets. In their paper, Prof. Gomber and his co-authors Benjamin Clapham, Florian Ewald, and Niklas Trimpe develop an AI-based solution to avoid trading interruptions that unnecessarily interfere with market efficiency. You can find more information about the conference here. |
[08/11/24] | In the “Emerald Handbook of Fintech (2024)” and in “SN Business & Economics (2024)” our paper "Gomber, Peter; Kauffman, Robert J.; Parker, Chris; Weber, Bruce W. On the Fintech Revolution: Interpreting the Forces of Innovation, Disruption, and Transformation in Financial Services. In: Journal of Management Information Systems (2018)" was identified as "top-cited article in fintech literature“ and „as most contributing document in fintech in terms of citations“. Thanks a lot! |
[14/08/24] | The authors Gulati and Singh, NMIMS Management Review (2024) have identified our paper “Gomber, P.; Siering, M.; Koch, J.: Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research directions, Journal of Business Economics (2017)” as “most highly cited and significant work in the domain of Digital Financial Services research”. We thank the authors and are proud of this great acknowledgement of our work! |
[06/05/24] | The paper "Shifting Volumes to the Close: Consequences for Price Discovery and Market Quality" by the authors Micha Bender, Benjamin Clapham and Benedikt Schwemmlein was covered in news articles by Bloomberg and FAZ. The paper deals with the massive shift of trading volumes to the closing auction and the effects of this development on the efficiency of closing price discovery and market quality in continuous trading. The paper is available here. |
[01/05/24] | A warm welcome to our new LiveX Licensee: Bayes Business School |
[18/04/24] | With funding from the "DigiTeLL" project, the team at the Chair of e-Finance has developed the Eduvest web application. Eduvest is a digital, browser-based self-learning tool that imparts knowledge about investment decisions in securities trading in a playful way, depending on the user's previous knowledge. Eduvest aims to make digital financial education freely accessible to all and is intended to be used in teaching as an additional, asynchronous learning platform. In addition, considering the user's level of knowledge, Eduvest also offers the opportunity for people from outside the field to acquire knowledge about financial markets in a playful way. |
[18/12/23] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[14/12/23] | The authors Raval and Desai, Journal of Financial Services Marketing (2023) have identified our paper “Gomber, P.; Siering, M.; Koch, J.: Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research direction., Journal of Business Economics (2017)” as “the most relevant and influential article in the domain of FinTech”. We thank the authors and are proud of this great acknowledgement! |
[24/11/23] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Niklas Trimpe. |
[23/11/23] | The lecture "Microstructure of Financial Markets" by Dr. Benjamin Clapham achieved 1st place in the Master's lecture category in the teaching evaluation of the Faculty of Economics and Business in the summer term 2023. We are very pleased with this award and would like to thank our students for this excellent evaluation. |
[15/05/23] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Florian Ewald. |
[23/02/23] | Dr Michael Siering was able to achieve a successful placement in the well-known business administration research ranking of WirtschaftsWoche, which lists the most research-intensive German-speaking business economists every two years. In the category "Business economists under 40 with strong research skills" he ranked 22nd. This corresponds to a placement in the top 5% of the listed researchers. |
[17/02/23] | Dr. Benjamin Clapham and Dr. Jens Lausen are co-authors of the first crowd-based empirical study in finance, which has just been accepted for publication in the prestigious Journal of Finance. The project involved over 164 researcher teams, among them some of the world-leading scholars in this field. The task of the research teams was to test identical hypotheses on the same data set. Due to the large number of decisions researchers have to make in the evidence-generating process, the results of the research teams vary significantly and thus generate another level of uncertainty in addition to statistical errors. The paper entitled "Non-Standard Errors" shows that these errors are significant, but are reduced by adding peer review phases. Non-standard errors are lower for more reproducible and better rated research. The study also finds that the participating scientists underestimate this type of additional uncertainty. For more information on the project, click here. |
[01/02/23] | A position as Research Assistant is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[27/01/23] | The renowned “Journal of Financial Markets” (see: has published the paper “Spoilt for choice: Determinants of market shares in fragmented equity markets” by the research team Peter Gomber, Satchit Sagade, Erik Theissen, Moritz Christian Weber, and Christian Westheide. The authors analyze the determinants of trading volumes of different trading mechanisms in equity markets and find that market shares are driven by the degree of immediacy and anonymity offered by the venues, their ability to offer off-tick executions, as well as the informational environment and conditions in the market. |
[23/01/23] | Prof. Dr Peter Gomber was elected for three more years as a member of the Exchange Council at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at the FSE. Among other things, the Exchange Council is responsible for the appointment, withdrawal and supervision of the executive management. Furthermore, it issues the Exchange Rules, the Fee Regulations and the Conditions for Transactions on the Exchange. Prof. Dr. Gomber is a member of the Council since 2011. Further information can be found here. |
[19/12/22] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[18/11/22] | Dr. Jens Lausen, former PhD student at the Chair of e-Finance (Prof. Dr. Gomber), was awarded the Dr. Mihael Foit and Elfriede Stich-Foit Foundation Prize (awarded for the first time) for the best dissertation at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt in the academic year 2021-2022. We congratulate on this great success! |
[14/09/22] | A position as Research Assistant is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application.. |
[08/07/22] | The „Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation“ has selected the project „Integrity of Digital Assets Markets“ for funding out of 13 project proposals of international research teams. The project will run 24 months and was designed by the researcher team Prof. Peter Gomber, Dr. Benjamin Clapham and Prof. Jan Muntermann (University of Augsburg). We are happy about this success and look forward to the project. More information can be found here. |
[05/07/22] | It has been a decade since the Chair of e-Finance of Prof. Gomber launched LiveX. In celebration of LiveX 10th birthday, we would like to thank our licensees. With the help of your valuable input, our team continuously improves LiveX’ user experience. LiveX has started with the idea to teach securities trading in an interactive and realistic way. It turned from a simple client-server-lab solution into a professional cloud-based trading simulation. Nowadays, it covers fragmented markets with different market models that are accessible via the internet. This allows lecturers to teach the world of securities trading in-person or in a digital classroom. |
[12/05/22] | Prof. Gomber was awared the "Goethe Business School Excellence in Teaching Award" in the “Part Time Master of Finance Class of 2022” for his course on “Trading & Technology”. Furthermore, based on the course evaluations of the PTMF Class of 2022, he has earned the 1st place among the faculty teaching elective courses in the summer semester 2021. The "Goethe Business School Excellence in Teaching Award" was handed over to Prof. Gomber in the graduation ceremony of Goethe Business School on May 7, 2022. |
[11/04/22] | Wir bitten Studierende des Projektseminars Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading zu beachten, dass der Kickoff-Termin des Seminars am Donnerstag, den 28.04.2022 um 14:15 Uhr im Raum RuW 2.202 stattfindet. Die weiteren Veranstaltungstermine finden Sie auf OLAT. Sollten Sie bislang keinen Platz im Projektseminar erhalten haben, können Sie es noch über die Restplatzbörse des Prüfungsamtes versuchen ( Bei Fragen rund um das Projektseminar wenden Sie sich bitte an: cestonaro[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de. |
[05/04/22] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[01/02/22] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Julian Schmidt. |
[20/12/21] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[17/12/21] | The authors Jens Lausen, Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering and Peter Gomber received the AIS Best Information Systems Publications Award for their study "Who Is the Next "Wolf of Wall Street"? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct" (Journal of the Association for Information Systems). This award, issued annually by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), is the highest international publication award in information systems. We are very honoured to receive this award. More information can be found here. |
[26/11/21] | Princeton University and HEC Paris are now also relying on LiveX. Elite Princeton University and prestigious business school HEC Paris have recently begun using LiveX, a software developed at the Chair of e-Finance to simulate stock markets. By this, LiveX is applied for the first time in the US. |
[13/10/21] | Dear students, the course "Trading and Electronic Financial Markets" (EFN1) will be held in person again this semester (HZ 15). However, lectures and excercise sessions will still be recorded and uploaded to OLAT. For further information, please refer to the OLAT-course for EFN1. |
[12/10/21] | Dear students of the OWIN lecture! Please enroll in the OLAT course as soon as possible. You can find the course by searching "OWIN (WiSe 2021/22)" or in the so-called "course tree". If you enroll in the OLAT course early, you will not miss any relevant announcements regarding the start of the lecture. Thank you very much! |
[28/04/21] | The authors Jens Lausen, Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering, and Peter Gomber have won the 2020 Best Paper Award of the renowned „Journal of the Association for Information Systems” (JAIS) for their publication „Who Is the Next "Wolf of Wall Street"? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct”. JAIS is a leading international journal in Information Systems and included in the AIS Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals (a basket of the eight top journals in our field). We are delighted to receive this award. |
[24/03/21] | Deutsche Börse Capital Markets Academy uses LiveX trading simulation developed by the University of Frankfurt. Deutsche Börse AG's Capital Markets Academy offers participants an innovation in digital training: In the certificate course "Exchange Trader Cash Market", acquired knowledge can be applied directly in a very realistic stock exchange simulation now. More information can be found here. |
[01/02/21] | Scientists develop method to detect fake news – Research team from Göttingen and Frankfurt develops robust approach for detecting market manipulation. Further information can be found in the press statement of the universities Göttingen and Frankfurt. |
[20/12/20] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[30/11/20] | New publication of the chair of e-Finance: Benjamin Clapham, Peter Gomber, Jens Lausen and Sven Panz were able to achieve a considerable publication success with their paper "Liquidity Provider Incentives in Fragmented Securities Markets" forthcoming in the renowned "Journal of Empirical Finance". Further information and the complete paper can be found here. |
[19/10/20] | DZ BANK Career Talk - Im Gespräch mit Ihrer Zukunft. Die DZ BANK bietet interessierten Studierenden die Möglichkeit, am 17. November 2020 online und in lockerer Runder mit einer Fachexpertin oder einem Fachexperten Ihrer Wahl spannende Einblicke in die Arbeitswelt der DZ BANK zu erhalten. |
[20/07/20] | LiveX Cloud: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the necessary shift to digital learning and education, we are proud to release “LiveX Cloud” today. The new cloud-based solution enables lecturers to offer virtual trading sessions and students to join these sessions from anywhere without the need for a lab environment. In LiveX Cloud, our clients run trading sessions on a dedicated web server that is available 24/7. More. |
[16/07/20] | The paper “Mutual Funds and Risk Disclosure: Information Content of Fund Prospectuses” co-authored by Jonathan Krakow (University of Zurich) and Timo Schäfer (Chair of e-Finance) has been selected as this year’s recipient of the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) “Best Paper Award”. This award was launched in 2003 and it is awarded for an outstanding research paper presented at the Annual SFI PhD Workshop held during the SFI Research Days. |
[09/07/20] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Jonas De Paolis M.Sc. |
[15/06/20] | New publication of the chair of e-Finance: Jens Lausen, Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering, and Peter Gomber were able to achieve a considerable publication success with their paper „Who Is the Next "Wolf of Wall Street"? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct” forthcoming in the renowned "Journal of the Association for Information Systems". Further information and the pre-print of complete paper can be found here. |
[25/05/20] | Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber receives Outstanding Reviewer Award 2019 from "Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business”. |
[20/05/20] | Dr. Benjamin Clapham was awarded the Research Prize 2020 of the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation for his dissertation "Integrity and Efficiency of Electronic Securities Markets: Fraud Detection, Safeguards, and the Role of High-Frequency Trading". The dissertation was supervised by Prof. Gomber (Chair of e-Finance). The prize is endowed with 15,000 euros for both the author and the supervising chair. You can find the media coverage in Börsen-Zeitung here and the press release here (in German only). |
[15/04/20] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Tino Cestonaro M.Sc. |
[14/04/20] | Aktuelle Informationen zur Prüfung “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt”: Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage ist es aktuell nicht möglich einen Prüfungstermin für die Prüfung zum Zertifizierten Börsenhändler Kassamarkt festzulegen. Wir wollen es aber dennoch allen Teilnehmern der EFN1, die die Abschlussklausur erfolgreich bestanden haben, ermöglichen, die Prüfung zu absolvieren. Daher würden wir gerne, sobald es wieder möglich ist, gemeinsam mit allen Interessenten einen passenden Prüfungstermin abstimmen. Falls Sie Interesse an der Prüfung haben, senden Sie bitte bis zum 31.05.2020 eine kurze E-Mail an Jens Lausen. |
[16/03/20] | Due to the current situation regarding the corona virus, all members of the Chair of e-Finance will work in the home office for the next few weeks. If you have any important concerns, please contact the respective staff member directly or send an e-mail to Ms. Bajrektarevic in the secretariat. |
[23/01/20] | Prof. Dr Peter Gomber was elected for three more years as a member of the Exchange Council at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at the FSE. Among other things, the Exchange Council is responsible for the appointment, withdrawal and supervision of the executive management. Furthermore, it issues the Exchange Rules, the Fee Regulations and the Conditions for Transactions on the Exchange. Prof. Dr. Gomber is a member of the Council since 2011. Further information can be found here. |
[01/01/20] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Micha Bender M.Sc. |
[19/12/19] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[22/10/19] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[25/06/19] | The Chair of e-Finance has won a call for tenders to promote research projects. The project deals with the analysis of effects of research unbundling under MiFID II with a focus on capital costs and financing risks for small and medium-sized enterprises. The two-year project will start in October 2019 and will be funded by the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM). |
[16/04/19] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[27/03/19] | Special Award at the DZ-Bank Career Awards 2019. |
[21/01/19] | The Paper „Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research directions” (Gomber, Koch, and Siering; 2017) is among the ten most downloaded Springer Journal Articles on business & management. Over a period of less than two years, the paper has reached over 10,000 downloads on the Springer website. With this outstanding number of downloads, the paper has become the most successful paper of the Journal of Business Economics in 2018. Link. |
[07/01/19] | Together with Prof. Dr. Albrecht Ritschl (Chair of Economic History, London School of Economics) and Prof. Dr. Jan Pieter Krahnen (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, SAFE), Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber undertakes an outlook into the capital markets of the next 15 years and beyond. You’ll find this in the anniversary brochure of HSBC INKA on pages 30 – 37. |
[21/12/18] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[02/07/18] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Timo Schäfer M.A. |
[17/05/18] | University Prize of Deutsches Aktieninstitut for e-Finance researcher: At the annual reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, Dr. Martin Haferkorn was awarded the University Prize of Deutsches Aktieninstitut for his dissertation „High-Frequency Trading in Fragmented European Equity Markets – Implications for Market Quality“. The prize is endowed with 12.500 Euros. More information can be found here. |
[14/05/18] | Goethe University Frankfurt enables everybody to experience exchange trading. Further information can be found here. |
[07/05/18] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[19/04/18] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[09/04/18] | The lecture „ Trading and Electronic Financial Markets “ of the Chair of e-Finance is among the three highest ranked lectures in the teaching evaluation of the winter semester 2017/2018. More information can be found here. |
[26/02/18] | Prof. Dr. Gomber was elected a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Plato Partnership Market Innovator initiative. The goal of the Market Innovator is to produce independent research and analytics, open to peer review, and aims at seeking out ways in which the Plato community can collaborate to build a better financial ecosystem. More information can be found here. |
[25/01/18] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[23/01/18] | Call for Papers: 2nd SAFE Market Microstructure Conference. The Research Center SAFE at Goethe University Frankfurt is organizing and hosting the second SAFE Market Microstructure Conference to stimulate the discussion on current developments in the field. Papers in all areas of financial market microstructure are invited. Prof. Dr. Gomber, Principal Investigator at the Research Center SAFE, is a co-organizer of the Conference. |
[08/01/18] | With effect from January 1, 2018 Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber will serve as a member of the Supervisory Board of Clearstream Banking AG. More information can be found here. |
[21/12/17] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[14/12/17] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[29/11/17] | The lecture „Electronic Trading and Exchanges“ of Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) has achieved the second rank in the lecture evaluation of the summer term 2017 among 58 lectures. We are happy about this award and thank our students for this excellent evaluation. |
[27/09/17] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[15/08/17] | Christian Janze and Marten Risius won the Best Paper Award of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017) for their contribution "Automatic Detection of Fake News on Social Media Platforms". We are delighted to receive this award. |
[17/07/17] | We are searching tutors for the upcoming winter term lecture Business Informatics (Bachelor). |
[07/07/17] | The team of authors Benjamin Clapham, Peter Gomber, and Sven Panz has received the Best Paper Award of the CEPR-Imperial-Plato Inaugural Market Innovator (MI3) Conference on the Evolving Market Structure in Europe and Beyond in London, for their contribution “Coordination of Circuit Breakers? Volume Migration and Volatility Spillover in Fragmented Markets". We are delighted to receive this award. |
[06/06/17] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[30/03/17] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[09/03/17] | LiveX demo trading sessions at the 20th Annual SGF Conference 2017 in Zurich. LiveX was developed at the Chair of e-Finance and is one of the most advanced trading simulations available. LiveX makes complex financial setups tangible to students and thereby significantly increases the student learning experience. Furthermore, LiveX enables researchers to conduct advanced laboratory experiments. Registration for SGF conference participants and further information can be found here. |
[01/02/17] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Jens Lausen M.Sc. |
[25/01/17] | Prof. Dr Peter Gomber was elected for three more years as a member of the Exchange Council at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at the FSE. Among other things, the Exchange Council is responsible for the appointment, withdrawal and supervision of the executive management. Furthermore, it issues the Exchange Rules, the Fee Regulations and the Conditions for Transactions on the Exchange. Prof. Dr. Gomber is a member of the Council since 2011. Further information can be found here. |
[19/01/17] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[14/12/16] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[24/11/16] | IHK Dissertation Award for researcher of the Chair of e-Finance: Dr. Kai Zimmermann has been awarded for his dissertation entitled "Market Efficiency and Safeguards in Fragmented Securities Markets" the IHK Dissertation Award 2016. The Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) grants this award annually as an acknowledgement for excellent academic research with high relevance for practice. More information can be found here. |
[19/10/16] | Peter Gomber, Chair of e-Finance, has been appointed a member of the Secondary Markets Standing Committee Consultative Working Group (CWG) of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for a third term of two years. The CWG has been formed to assist the Secondary Markets Standing Committee of ESMA in its work relating to the structure, transparency and efficiency of secondary markets for financial instruments, including trading platforms and OTC markets. Furthermore, it contributes to the development of technical standards and guidelines, preparing advice to the EC relating to MiFID. Further details can be found here. |
[07/10/16] | The Chair of e-Finance and the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) conducted an international survey on the implementation and design of market safeguards (so-called circuit breakers) among major exchanges. The study shows that the number of exchanges which implemented circuit breakers to protect investors and enhance market integrity increased significantly. Currently, 86% of the responding exchanges use these safety mechanisms. The complete study along with additional insights can be accessed here. |
[13/09/16] | On September 09, this year's Maravon Markets Award presentation ceremony took place. The awards were presented to Aetienne Sardon and another young scientists during a dinner at the Maintower in Frankfurt in the presence of the academic supervisors. Aetienne Sardon was awarded for his outstanding master thesis about the role of Central Counterparties (CCPs) in derivatives clearing. The press release of Maravon GmbH can be found here. |
[01/09/16] | The Chair welcomes the new secretary Miss Jasmin Berovic. |
[29/08/16] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[14/06/16] | Two of Europe's most renown research universities - TU Munich and Loughborough University - decided to rely on LiveX for trading education purposes. LiveX is developed at the Chair of e-Finance (Prof. Gomber) and regularly receives top ratings in student surveys and is very well received by its licensees. LiveX is used by academic clients (e.g. TU Munich, University of Göttingen), regulatory institutions (e.g. Deutsche Bundesbank) as well as corporates (e.g. SIX Group AG, Stuttgart Financial). |
[12/06/16] | Prof. Dr. Gomber is invited to give a speech in the course of the FESE Convention 2016 of the Federation of European Stock Exchanges in Malta. |
[24/03/16] | On March 17, the award ceremony of the academic prize “FWWG-Förderpreis, Prof. Dr. Norbert Walter” took place at the Casino, Goethe University Frankfurt. Daniel Koch was awarded with the second place for his term paper at the Chair of e-Finance on volatility interruptions and their coordination. |
[29/02/16] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[07/12/15] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[09/11/15] | The Chair of e-Finance (Prof. Gomber) developed the market and trading simulation LiveX, which regularly receives top ratings in student surveys and is very well received by its licensees. The newest version LiveX 1.2 ships with many new features such as a graphical interface for administrators (Visual Scenario Builder). LiveX is used by corporate and academic clients as well as regulatory institutions. For example, SIX Group AG - which operates the infrastructure of the Swiss financial center - is a LiveX client since October 2015. |
[01/10/15] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Sven Panz M.Sc. |
[28.09.15] | On September 15, this year's Maravon Markets Award presentation ceremony took place. The awards were presented to Benjamin Clapham and two other young scientists during a dinner at the Ivory Club in Frankfurt in the presence of the academic supervisors. The press release of Maravon GmbH can be found here. Further information about Maravon GmbH can be found here. |
[14/09/15] | In October 2015, the Chair of e-Finance launches a research project on the systematic analysis of volatility interruptions (also called circuit breakers) implemented in European equity markets. The two-year project is funded by the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM). More information can be found here. |
[14/09/15] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. The registration form can be found here. |
[27/07/15] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[01/03/15] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Benjamin Clapham M.Sc. |
[13/07/15] | Benjamin Clapham receives the Maravon Markets Award 2015 for his thesis “Price Discovery in Fragmented Markets - An Event Study Based on Trading Data from Deutsche Börse and BATS Chi-X Europe“, supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber and Kai Zimmermann. Maravon GmbH assigns the prize to the best academic theses concerning financial market research. In his master thesis, Benjamin Clapham determined the contributions of the two largest venues to price discovery for DAX 30 constituents. The analysis shows that the largest trading venue (in this case: Xetra) holds the price leadership role despite today’s fragmented market environment. |
[18/05/15] | The Chair of e-Finance will start a collaboration with BrandOn Media in order to investigate the potential of social media data in the financial services industry (e.g. for reputational risk management). Today, it is very important for financial institutions to be aware of current discussions in social media in order to sense potential issues and to respond and manage them accordingly. However, it is still unclear how banks should shape their social media communications and how customer reactions in social media should be taken into account by financial institutions as well as their competitors. In cooperation with BrandOn Media, a leading provider of social media management solutions, the Chair of e-Finance will investigate these different topics. The joint research project will have implications for research as well as the financial services industry. |
[07/04/15] | Application for the lecture Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading is still possible until April 13, 2015. Please write an e-mail (including a letter of motivation) to Mr Siering and Mr Gvozdevskiy. Further information about the lecture and the application process can be found here. |
[02/04/15] | The lecture „Trading and Electronic Markets“ of Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber has achieved the first rank in the lecture evaluation in the winter term 14/15 among 21 lectures of the faculty in the category „Master Lectures with more than 30 questionnaires per lecture. We are happy about this award and thank our students for this excellent evaluation. |
[01/04/15] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. |
[16/03/15] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Christian Janze M.Sc. |
[07/03/15] | The grades regarding the exam „Wirtschaftsinformatik 1” will be published on March 16th, 2015. |
[02/03/15] | Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber was elected as a member of the Editorial Board of “Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business”. Electronic Markets is published by Springer and has emerged as one of the premier journals in the area of electronic and networked business. More information can be found here. |
[01/03/15] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Benjamin Clapham M.Sc. |
[04/02/15] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[20/12/14] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[11/11/14] | We offer a position as a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Business Administration at Goethe-University in Frankfurt within the E-Finance Lab project, which we like to fill on February, 1 st 2015. |
[24/10/14] | The E-Finance Lab cordially invites you to its annual Spring Conference. The event will be held on February 10th, 2015, at Campus Westend of Goethe University Frankfurt and is organized by Prof. Gomber and his team (layer 2). Participants have the chance to discuss the topic “Liquidity, Transparency and Electronic Trading in Europe” with speakers from the academic and business world. |
[22/09/14] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here.
[01/09/14] | For a second term, Peter Gomber, Professor of e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Goethe University Frankfurt, and Co-Chair of the E-Finance Lab has been appointed a member of the Secondary Markets Standing Committee Consultative Working Group (CWG) of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The CWG has been formed to assist the Secondary Markets Standing Committee of ESMA in its work relating to the structure, transparency and efficiency of secondary markets for financial instruments, including trading platforms and OTC markets. Furthermore, it assesses the impact of changes in the market structure to the transparency and efficiency of trading and develops ESMA policy in relation to the issues identified. |
[18.08.14] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[19/06/14] | De la Vega Prize 2014 der European Federation of Securities Exchanges (FESE). Kai Zimmermann wins Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) De la Vega Prize 2014 for his outstanding research paper “Price Discovery in European Volatility Interruptions”. The prize was awarded by FESE President Christian Katz, CEO of SIX Swiss Exchange, at the Gala Dinner of the FESE 2014 Convention in Zurich. |
[14/04/14] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. |
[19.02.14] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[11/02/14] | The team of authors Peter Gomber, Martin Haferkorn, and Kai Zimmermann has received the Best Paper Award of the 9th International Business and Social Science Research Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the contribution "Securities Transaction Tax and Market Quality: The Case of France". We are delighted to receive this award. |
[21/01/14] | Prof. Dr Peter Gomber was elected for three more years as a member of the Exchange Council at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at the FSE. Among other things, the Exchange Council is responsible for the appointment, withdrawal and supervision of the executive management. Furthermore, it issues the Exchange Rules, the Fee Regulations and the Conditions for Transactions on the Exchange. Prof. Dr. Gomber is a member of the Council since 2011. |
[14/01/14] | SAFE scholars receive funding for research on dark trading: The Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF) has awarded a research grant to a team of researchers, headed by Prof. Peter Gomber and Prof. Erik Theissen, for their research on the topic "Impact of Dark Trading on Market Quality”. The project by Peter Gomber, Satchit Sagade, Erik Theissen, Moritz Christian Weber and Christian Westheide analyzes the cross-sectional and time series impact of dark trading on market quality in the European equity markets. Peter Gomber holds the Chair of e-Finance at Goethe University and Erik Theissen is Professor of Finance at the University of Mannheim. Both are principal investigators at SAFE, doing extensive research on the determinants of OTC trading volume, to which this project grant is related. |
[19/12/13] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[16/12/13] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[28/11/13] | Using social media sentiment in investment decisions and for identifying signs of market manipulation: With the involvement of the chair of e-Finance, the EU research project FIRST reaches successful conclusion. Further information can be found here.
[07/11/13] | More than 100 financial experts discuss the current proposals of financial market regulation on the 7th MiFID Congress of Börse Stuttgart. Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber delivered a speech on "current developments of HFT regulations". The videos of his discourse on this topic you find here. |
[20/09/13] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. |
[20/08/13] | Exam results (OWIN) are now released by and available at the examination office. Inspections of your exams are scheduled for the following dates: |
[15/08/13] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Jascha-Alexander Koch M.Sc. |
[09/07/13] | We inform interested master students about the e-Finance seminar “Trading Algorithms” in the upcoming winter term 2013/2014. The seminar will deepen the topics of the E-Finance 2 lecture and especially be about the programming of trading algorithms (for example in the Tango programming language). Seminar participant will program, test, document and present their self-developed trading algorithms. Update: The obligatory registration for the seminar is from 1.10.-11.10. in RuW 2.204. There you will receive a schedule for the seminar, the date for the kickoff event and also information on the topics of the seminar exam.
[27/06/13] | Mr. Jedrzej Mazur (Master Student and Student Assistant at the Chair of e-Finance; Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber) was awarded the Paris-Europlace Award in the context of the 29. International Competition of Master's Degree Theses on Economics and Finance. In his thesis „Economic Analysis of Stock Exchange consolidation“ Mr. Mazur investigated the micro- and macro effects of exchange consolidation on long term value creation for investors. The award ceremony took place on June,27th 2013 at the CONGRES 2013 du Centre des Professions Financiéres in Paris. |
[12/06/13] | Outstanding Paper Award at the 26th Bled eConference - Irina Alic, Michael Siering (Chair of e-Finance), and Marko Bohanec have been awarded with the Outstanding Paper Award at the 26th Bled eConference in Bled, Slovenia. Their article “Hot or Not? A Qualitative Multi-Attribute Model to Detect Financial Market Manipulation” was chosen as outstanding paper out of the 36 papers presented at the conference. In their article, the authors develop a model aiming at supporting decision makers to detect information-based manipulation of stock prices. The proposed qualitative model enables market surveillance authorities to monitor the vast number of information channels and supports them to identify potential fraudulent situations in order to maintain market integrity. |
[15/05/13] | The Chair welcomes Dr. Satchit Sagade as the new Post-Doc for our SAFE-Project. |
[29/04/13] | The Center for Financial Studies (CFS), the Deutsche Börse AG, and the Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE) are hosting on the 14.06.2013 in Eschborn the conference "The Industrial Organisation of Securities Markets: Competition, Liquidity and Network Externalitites". The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and members of the industry to focus on the current challenges at the security trade market, in an environment that stimulates discussions and an exchange of ideas. This conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber, Goethe Universität Frankfurt und E-Finance Lab, and Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen, Universität Mannheim and Center for Financial Studies. |
[10/04/13] | At the faculty of business sciences at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt will be a new free position as a research assistant, under the program of the E-Finance Lab, which we like to fill as soon as possible. |
[28/03/13] | Interested Master-students are welcome to register for the e-finance seminar „Marktdaten: Nutzung für Transparenz, Handelsüberwachung und Entscheidungsunterstützung“ (SS 2013). Further information can be found here. |
[18/02/13] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Olga Lebedeva. Dr. rer. pol. |
[01/02/13] | The new websites of the Chair of Business Administration especially e-Finance are available. |
[01/01/13] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Florian Glaser Dipl.-Kfm. |
[12/12/12] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[29/10/12] | Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber gave an account to German television Deutsche Welle TV about High Frequency Trading. |
[24/09/12] | Further information regarding Deutsche Boerse’s “Zertifizierter Börsenhändler Kassamarkt” exam can be found here. |
[01/09/12] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Ilya Gvozdevskiy B.Sc. |
[10/08/12] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[05/07/12] | Twitter helps with financial decisions: With participation of the Frankfurt researchers Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber and Michael Siering, the EU project FIRST has developed a prototype that can extract and analyze the sentiment expressed within social networks in near real time. For more details, see: |
[25/06/12] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[18/06/12] | Peter Gomber, Professor of e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Goethe University Frankfurt, and Co-Chair of the E-Finance Lab has been appointed a member of the new Secondary Markets Standing Committee Consultative Working Group (CWG) of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The CWG has been formed to assist the Secondary Markets Standing Committee of ESMA in its work relating to the structure, transparency and efficiency of secondary markets for financial instruments, including trading platforms and OTC markets. Furthermore, it assesses the impact of changes in the market structure to the transparency and efficiency of trading and develops ESMA policy in relation to the issues identified. |
[25/04/12] | Two Academic Awards of the DAI („ Hochschulpreise des Deutschen Aktieninstituts ”) for Researchers at the Chair of e-Finance: Dr. Marco Lutat has been awarded with the “DAI-Hochschulpreis” for his dissertation entitled “Competition, Fragmentation and Transaction Costs in Securities Trading”. Christoph Netopil has been awarded with the „DAI-Hochschulpreis“ for his diploma thesis entitled “Veröffentlichung von Handelsvolumina und Marktreaktion bei gelisteten Börsenbetreibern”. The DAI grants this prize annually as an acknowledgement for academic research on equities as one particular form of financial investment. |
[23/04/12] | In co-operation with the Baruch College (City University New York), the Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics (University of Delaware) and the Cardiff Business School, the Chair of e-Finance is organizing the Seminar 6th Annual European Equity Markets Microstructure Workshop, 2012. |
[11/04/12] | Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber together with Prof. Dr. Fethi Rabhi of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, will host the international workshop FinanceCom 2012. Spanning multiple disciplines, including technical, services, economic, sociological and behavioral sciences, the workshop will address advancements in Information and Communication Technologies which have paved the way to new business models, markets, networks, services, and players in the financial services industry. FinanceCom 2012 will be co-located with ECIS 2012 in Barcelona on June 10th, 2012. Further details about FinanceCom 2012 can be found on |
[13/12/11] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[22/11/11] | The team of authors Peter Gomber, Marco Lutat and Moritz Weber has received the best paper award of the 15th International Business Research Conference in Sydney, Australia for their contribution “The impact of MiFID on market quality”.
[14/11/11] | FGF Best Entrepreneurship Research Newcomer Award 2011: Stefan Pichler, Sebastian Schäfer und Tim Uhle were awarded with the FGF Best Entrepreneurship Research Newcomer Award 2011 for their paper "Are 'Jacks-of-all-Trades' Overconfident?". The award is granted to Ph.D.-students, post doctorates, and assistant professors and is sponsored by the Wissenschaftsförderung der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe e.V. |
[12/10/11] | At the „ Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Exchanges (World Federation of Exchanges – WFE)“ in Johannesburg, South Africa, Prof. Dr. Gomber discusses with CEOs of international exchange organizations within the panel „Regulatory Winds“ about the current regulatory changes that are affecting the securities industry. |
[28/09/11] | E-Finance Lab in New York. |
[12/09/11] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[31/08/11] | Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber was elected as a member of the board of the special interest group „Information Systems in Finance“ of the “Gesellschaft für Informatik”. |
[09/08/11] | The lecture „Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading“ of the Chair of e-Finance is among the three highest ranked lecture in the teaching evaluation of the summer semester 2011. Thereby, all four existing lectures of the Chair were awarded among the Top3 lectures of the faculty once or multiple times. |
[07/07/11] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Martin Haferkorn Dipl. Wirtsch.-Inf. |
[01/07/11] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[22/06/11] | Prof. Dr. Gomber in the Interview „Der Computer als Broker“ at Deutschlandradio Kultur |
[18/05/11] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Kai Zimmermann Dipl.rer.pol.techn. |
[15/04/11] | In co-operation with the Baruch College (City University New York) and the London Business School, the Chair of e-Finance is organizing the Seminar 5th Annual European Equity Markets Microstructure Workshop, 2011. |
[28/03/11] | „High Frequency Trading” - Research report published by the Chair of e-Finance of the Goethe University Frankfurt. The goal of the report is to provide background information on the proliferation of High Frequency Trading. It aims at supporting the public, policy makers and regulators in discussions around High Frequency Trading and in assessing potential regulatory steps on an informed basis. |
[21/03/11] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[08/02/11] | Interested Master-students are welcome to register for the e-Finance seminar „MiFID Review – Industrial Debate and Research Contributions“ (summer term 2011).
[27/01/11] | Prof. Dr Peter Gomber was elected as a member of the Exchange Council at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at the FSE. Among other things, the Exchange Council is responsible for the appointment, withdrawal and supervision of the executive management. Furthermore, it issues the Exchange Rules, the Fee Regulations and the Conditions for Transactions on the Exchange.
[03/01/11] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application. |
[13/12/10] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[24/11/10] | EU Project Crawls the Web for Hidden Financial Expertise: The new research project FIRST, co-funded by the European Union, aims at extracting relevant financial information from the vast amounts of unstructured data present in the World Wide Web. Its goal is to use methods of artificial intelligence to support financial decision making. The project started in October 2010 and will be conducted over the course of three years. The FIRST consortium consists of 8 European partners from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain, including the Chair of e-Finance. With our expertise in the domain of financial decision support systems, we will mainly contribute to the requirements analysis and to the development of financial decision support models. Please visit for further information.
[27/09/10] | “MiFID: Spirit and Reality of a European Financial Markets Directive”. Research report published jointly by the Chair of e-Finance of the Goethe University Frankfurt and Celent. The goal of this report is to describe the objectives and spirit of MiFID and compare it to the status quo and evolution of the European Equity trading landscape with a specific focus on the role of the different categories of trading venues. It serves to assist the current industry and regulatory discussion and provides proposals for possible future regulatory adaptations and enhancements.
[13/08/10] | The paper "Assessing IT-Supported Securities Trading: A Benchmarking Model and Empirical Analysis" by Bartholomäus Ende and Jan Muntermann has been nominated for the Best Paper Award at the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010 in Lima (Peru).
[12/07/10] | Interested Master-students are welcome to register for the e-finance seminar „The Industrial Organization of Securities Markets: Research Papers in Securities Trading“ (WS 2010/2011). |
[30/06/10] | Interview with Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber in the WDR science magazin „Leonardo“ on the topic: „Schwerpunkt: Turboschnelle Deals - Computer erobern die Börse“. |
[27/04/10] | Prof. Peter Gomber has refused an appointment of the University of Mannheim for a professorship in information systems and will continue his research and teaching at the University of Frankfurt. |
[16/04/10] | Two open positions for Research Assistants (and PhD students) are available at the Chair of e-Finance. We are looking forward to your application. |
[09/04/10] | In co-operation with the Baruch College (City University New York) and the London Business School, the Chair of e-Finance is organizing the Seminar 4th Annual European Equity Markets Microstructure Workshop, 2010, which will take place at the London Business School on June 3rd and 4th, 2010. |
[16/03/10] | The possibility for students to review the exam EFN3 (“Klausureinsicht”) is given on April 19th 2010 from 10:00 till 11:30 in room RuW 2202.
[11/02/10] | The reviewing of the exam of the seminar „ Die Zukunft des europäischen Post-Trading Systems“ takes place on 16/02/2010 12:00-12:30 in Room 2.209. Please register previously per e-Mail: Schaper |
[22/12/09] | Up to now, more than 50 students of the Goethe-University have taken the stock broker exam of the Deutsche Börse: Goethe-University is the only German university which offers exam-preparatory practical exercises in the trading system Xetra to their students. Basis for this is the Trading Lab of the professorship for e-Finance, in which the stock market activities can be simulated near to reality. |
[18/12/09] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[14/12/09] | The e-learning project “Live Markets” has received sponsorship by the eLearning-Förderfonds, a university fund reserved for innovative technology based teaching concepts. The concept aims to enable students to practically experience the interaction of market participants and the effects of these interactions on price determination, liquidity and trading results. “Live Markets” is one out of ten projects which will be sponsored with 200.000 Euro in total. A committee consisting of members of the university such as professors, research assistants and students have selected the ten promoted projects.
[09/10/09] | The second date for reviewing the exam “Trading and Electronic Financial Markets” is Thursday 29/10/2009, 11:00 – 12:00 h, Room 2.203 (RuW). |
[05/08/09] | The date for reviewing the exam “Trading and Electronic Financial Markets” is Wednesday 07/10/2009, 15:00 – 16:00 h, Room 2.203, (RuW). |
[22/07/09] | Beginning on the 1st of September, Moritz Christian Weber will start working with Prof. Gomber's team in Cluster 5. He has earned a degree in information systems after studying in Bonn and Siegen. He previously worked as consultant for Brockhaus GmbH, specializing in Enterprise Java, SOA and BPM and has furthermore researched Grid Computing, Software Engineering, EUD and HCI/CSCW in an academic context. His research will focus on order execution and standard software frameworks in the finance sector.
[17/07/09] | Beginning on the 15th of July, Tim Uhle will start working with Prof. Gomber’s Team in Cluster 5. He holds a degree in math that he earned after studying in Berlin, Durham (UK) and Frankfurt. He worked in the financial risk management group for KPMG for more than two years and is currently a member of the PhD program “Finance and Monetary Economics”. His research will focus on algorithmic trading and IT architecture in derivatives trading. |
[08/07/09] | Sven Groth’s essay Further Evidence on Technology and Liquidity Provision: The Blurring of Traditional Definitions was accepted for the doctoral tutorial of the 36th European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting. Based on an empirical analysis of a unique high-frequency dataset, the applicability of a certain group of liquidity measures in markets with a high degree of Algorithmic Trading activity is questioned. With its long-standing history since 1974, the EFA Annual Meeting is one of the most renowned conferences in the field of corporate finance, investment, financial markets, money and banking worldwide. The selection process for the EFA Doctoral Tutorial 2009 was highly competitive. Out of 103 papers submitted to the tutorial this year, only 8 were invited to participate. Congratulations! |
[06/05/09] | The Chair of e-Finance and the E-Finance Lab and are currently conducting a Delphi study on the Future of the European Post-Trading. The aim is to develop a coherent view of how European post-trading will look like in the future. In the light of globalization and the financial crisis, the intention is to detect measures for improvement of the post-trading system especially in the areas of risk management and information technologies. |
[15/04/09] | As of April 1st 2009, Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber took on half of the E-Finance Lab's managerial functions following Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König's appointment for Executive Director of the House of Finance in 2008. In addition to Prof. Dr. Clemens Jochum, Peter Gomber was elected second deputy chairman of the E-Finance Lab. |
[15/04/09] | In co-operation with the Baruch College (City University New York) and the London Business School, the Chair of e-Finance is organizing the Seminar 3rd Annual European Equity Markets Microstructure Workshop, 2009, which will take place at the London Business School on June 5th and 6th, 2009. |
[23/01/09] | We are seeking applications from promising young researchers for the position of a Research Assistant at the Chair of e-Finance. Applications are welcome with immediate effect. |
[12/01/09] | The Chair of e-Finance moved to the new university building at the Campus Westend. Please be aware of our new contact data. |
[20/12/08] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[22/09/08] | We are seeking applications from promising young researchers for the position of a Research Assistant at the Chair of e-Finance. Applications are welcome with immediate effect. |
[17/04/08] | The Center for Financial Studies (CFS) and the E-Finance Lab (EFL) are hosting, in cooperation with Deutsche Börse AG, the conference "The Industrial Organisation of Securities Markets: Competition, Liquidity and Network Externalitites". The objective of the conference is to highlight all aspects of the industrial organisation of securities markets, including trading, clearing and settlement services both for cash and derivatives markets. |
[02/04/08] | The Chair of e-Finance is hosting the Seminar "Teaching Microstructure in Business School Programs", which is held in cooperation with the Baruch College (City University New York) and the London Business School at Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt on June 20th and 21st, 2008. |
[28/02/08] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants.
[28/01/08] | The Chair offers one open position as research assistant (m/f) to be filled as soon as possible.We are looking forward to your application. In case you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. |
[20/12/07] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[20/12/07] | The registration period for the seminar "Comparison of Value Chains in Securities Trading" (Block seminar on July 11th 2008 and July 12th 2008) has started. Please note that further information regarding the seminar will be available from the new e-learning platform WebCT 6.0 . |
[28/11/07] | The Center for Financial Studies, the E-Finance Lab and the Deutsche Börse AG are inviting submissions of papers for an international conference on "The Industrial Organisation of Securities Markets: Competition, Liquidity and Network Externalities", chaired by Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber (Cluster 5) and Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen (University of Bonn). The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and members of the industry to focus on state-of-the-art academic research in an environment that stimulates discussions and an exchange of ideas. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2008. |
[15/11/07] | The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main / Germany has the following job vacancy to fill in the department of Information Systems and Information Economics by March 1st, 2008: The E-Finance Lab endowed Junior Professorship (Stiftungs-Juniorprofessur W1) for Business Administration, particularly E-Finance and Securities Trading. |
[26/10/07] | Best Paper Award: Uwe Schweickert (PhD-student at the Chair of e-Finance participating in the cooperative PhD-programme of the E-Finance Lab) and Miroslav Budimir (Deutsche Börse AG) received the Best Paper Award of the "1st International Conference on Advances and Systems Research; Special Focus Symposium on Market Microstructure" for their contribution "Benchmarking Latency in Securities Trading – An In Depth View on Trading at Light Speed". Congratulations! |
[18/09/07] | The date for reviewing the exam “Trading and Electronic Financial Markets” is Thursday 11/10/2007 15:00 – 16:00 h, and Wednesday 17/10/2007 10:00 – 11:00 h, Room 418, Robert-Mayer-Str.1 (FLAT). |
[15/08/07] | We are searching tutors for the upcoming winter term lecture Business Informatics (Bachelor). |
[09/08/07] | The date for reviewing the seminar exam “Neue Assetklassen, Marktformen und Technologien für den elektronischen Handel” is Friday 19/10/2007 and Wednesday 24/10/2007, both 10:00 – 11:00 h, Room Flat 418, Robert-Mayer-Str.1 (FLAT). Please keep in mind that the second date is only an auxiliary date and thus requires a prior registration per mail. |
[10/07/07] | The registration website for the E-Finance Lab Fall conference "WETTBEWERB,REGULIERUNG UND TECHNOLOGIE - TRENDS IN DER WERTPAPIERINDUSTRIE" taking place on September 25, 2007 is now available. Register |
[28/06/07] | The Chair of e-Finance, in co-operation with the CMCRC Sydney, Australia, offers students the opportunity of a diploma thesis on European financial markets. |
[25/06/07] | Today the registration period for the seminar "Competition in the Securities Indusrty" (Block seminar at January 11th 2008 and January 12th 2008) has started. |
[22/05/07] | Prof. Dr. Gomber delivers an invited talk at the Annual Meetings 2007 of the International Options Markets Association (IOMA) in Mexico City. |
[09/05/07] | Professor Dr. Peter Gomber and the team of the Chair of e-Finance were awarded the IBM Shared University Research award featuring extensive and high performance computer hardware. Rudolf Bauer, Managing Director at IBM Germany, handed over the award at today's meeting of the department'sboard of trustees. >>more |
[20.04.07] | Next week the lecture " Trading and Electronic Financial Markets" as an exception will not be held on Thursday, but already on Tuesday, April 24th, from 2pm to 4pm in H III. |
[05/03/07] | On June, 15th and 16th, the Chair holds in cooperation with Baruch College (City University New York) and the London Business School the seminar "Teaching Microstructure in Business School Programs" (venue: Deutsche Börse, Frankfurt) |
[16/02/07] | The Chair of e-Finance is glad to announce SunGard as a new co-operation partner. We want to thank for the support and are looking forward to the co-operation. |
[01/02/07] | We are searching tutors for the upcoming summer term lecture Business Informatics (Bachelor). |
[01/02/07] | By now, the Chair offers placements as student assistants. |
[22/01/07] | The application process for the advanced seminar Neue Assetklassen, Marktformen und Technologien für den elektronischen Handel started today. Candidates are able to apply within a period of one week.
[10/01/07] | The new website of the e-finance Chair is online. |
[19/12/06] | Bartholomäus Ende, Research Assistant at the Chair e-Finance was awarded the Continental Auto-motivated Student Award on December 18, 2006 for being the top graduate in computer science in the academic year 2005/2006 at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University. The award is presented by Continental AG rewarding students who demonstrate excellent merits in their studies. The Chair congratulates and wishes him great success in the future.
[14/12/06] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[11/12/06] | From now on, new positions as student assistants are vacant. |
[13/11/06] | The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr. Sven Groth (Dipl.-Kaufmann). |
[13/10/06] | On 17/10/2006, Prof. Dr. Gomber is invited to give a speech in the course of the 46. General Meeting of the World Federation of Exchanges at Sao Paulo, Brazil. |
[09/10/06] | The current lecture Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading is approved for specialization in finance and information management. Like before the lecture is awarded by Deutsche Börse AG as preparation course for the FWB Complete Exam. |
[13/09/06] | A list with results for our lectures is published at the examination office and at our showcase. The date for reviewing the exam is 19/10/2006, Room Flat 418. |
[01/08/06] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistant Mr. Michael Chlistalla, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. |
[21/06/06] | At Tuesday 4/7/2006, 10:00 – 11:00 h, there is question time for the Business Informatics I. (Exam is at the 09/08/2006) |
[16/06/06] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistant Mr. Roland Wittner (Dipl.-Economist, Dipl.-Business Educator). |
[06/06/06] | From now on, new positions as Research Assistants in the context of the project "E-FinanceLab" are vacant. We are looking forward to your application. |
[01/06/06] | From now on, interested students can register for the full day seminar "Market microstructure theory and electronic financial markets" on September 29, 2006. |
[18/04/06] | The current lecture „Information Systems in Financial Markets“ is approved for specialization in finance and information management. Like before the lecture is awarded by Deutsche Börse AG as preparation course for the FWB Complete Exam. |
[18/04/06] | The date for reviewing the exam “Business Informatics I” from the 08/03/2006 is Friday the 28/04/2006, 10:00 – 12:00 h, Room Flat 418, Robert-Mayer-Str.1 (FLAT). Students who wish to review and hindered at that date have to send a e-mail to Adrian Wranik. |
[01/03/06] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistant Mr. Bartholomäus Ende (Dipl.-Inf). |
[03/02/06] | Bloomberg TV-Interview : Peter Neuhaus (Sungard) and Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber discuss MiFID. |
[23/01/06] | From now on, new positions as Research Assistants in the context of the project "E-FinanceLab" are vacant. We are looking forward to your application. |
[18/01/06] | The registrationperiod for the seminar "Inter- and intraorganisational co-ordination through markets" has been extended untill 25 January 2006. |
[17/01/06] | Frankfurt students take the Trader Exam – next chance at the summer semester. |
[16/01/06] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistant Mr. Torsten Schaper (Dipl.-Kaufmann). |
[20/12/05] | The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
[16/12/05] | Prof. Dr. Gomber delivers an invited talk at the Gulf Capital Markets Forum in Dubai on January, 22th 2006 |
[15/12/05] | From now on, interested students can register for the seminar "Internal and industry-wide coordination through markets". |
[27/10/05] | The lecture „Information Systems in Financial Institutions " will be accepted by Deutsche Börse AG as preparatory course for Xetra-trader exam. |
[25/10/05] | The Chair of e-Finance is glad to announce PPI CONSULTING GROUP as a new co-operation partner. We want to thank for the support and are looking forward to the co-operation. |
[09/09/05] | The Chair of e-Finance is glad to announce ICF Kursmakler AG as a new co-operation partner. We want to thank for the support and are looking forward to the co-operation. |
[07/09/05] | The first date for reviewing the exam “Business Informatics I” from the 03/08/2005 is the 15/09/2005, 10:00 – 12:00 h, Room Flat 418, Robert-Mayer-Str.1 (FLAT). The secound date for reviewing is the 20.10.2005, 10:00 – 12:00h, Room Flat 418, Robert-Mayer-Str.1 (FLAT). |
[02/09/05] | From now on, interested students can register for the seminar "Innovative concepts in electronic securities trading" from January 25th to 29th, 2006, at Haus Bergkranz, Riezlern. |
[19/08/05] | The exam results for „Information Systems in Financial Markets" are now availiable . more (german) |
[14/06/05] | Joint Press Release from the Deutsche Börse Group, Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) and the University of Frankfurt: Deutsche Börse and University of Frankfurt to create traders` exam for DIFX Academy >>more |
[10/06/05] | From now on, interested students can register for the full day seminar "Network effects, competitive economics and transaction costs in securities markets" on October 21, 2005. |
[26/04/05] | The lecture „Information Systems in Financial Markets" will be accepted by Deutsche Börse AG as preparatory course for Xetra-trader exam. |
[26/04/05] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistant Mr. Marco Lutat (Dipl.-Volkswirt).
[25/04/05] | A position as Research Assistants is offered until filled. We are looking forward to your application.
[13/04/05] | The Chair of e-Finance is glad to announce Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) as a new co-operation partner. We want to thank for the support and are looking forward to the co-operation. |
[23/03/05] | The Chair of e-Finance is glad to announce Reuters AG as a new co-operation partner. We want to thank for the support and are looking forward to the co-operation. |
[16/01/05] | The Chair welcomes the new Research Assistants Mr. Adrian Wranik (Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.) and Mr. Markus Gsell (Dipl.-Informationswirt). |
[06/01/05] | Prof. Dr. Gomber delivers an invited talk at the Gulf Capital Markets Forum in Dubai on January, 15th 2005. |
[16.12.04] | The new websites of the Chair of Business Administration especially e-Finance are available. |
[16.12.04] | The Chair of Business Administration especially e-Finance starts its work at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration with the appointment of Prof. Dr. Gomber on Dec 16th, 2004 and looks forward to a successful co-operation with all members of the faculty and partners. |