Trading Simulation LiveX

from left to right: Dr. Torsten Schaper (Director Regulatory Analysis, Deutsche Börse), Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber (Chair of e-Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt)

Goethe University Frankfurt enables everybody to experience exchange trading

The LiveX team at the Chair of e-Finance (Prof. Peter Gomber) is delighted to announce that Deutsche Börse Group donated a LiveX Touch terminal in their continuous effort to educate the public on financial markets. The terminal, which is located in the foyer of the House of Finance at Campus Westend, allows students, employees and visitors of Goethe University Frankfurt to gain practical insights into the nature of modern electronic financial markets.

The LiveX Touch terminal is suitable for individuals interested in learning skills to conduct trades using an open electronic order book. Based on a virtual tutorial, users can immediately send buy and sell orders to a realistically simulated stock exchange following the continuous trading market model. To foster the learning process, the LiveX Touch terminal provides its users with real-time performance feedback as well as a report at the end of the simulated trading sessions.

Dr. Torsten Schaper, Director Regulatory Analysis, Deutsche Börse: “LiveX nicely demonstrates the functioning of exchanges and underlines the importance of rules and transparency.”

Dr. Alexandra Hachmeister, Chief Regulatory Officer, Deutsche Börse: “LiveX is used for quite some time to educate students and prospective traders on markets. From now on, visitors of the House of Finance can gain comparable insights into the nature of stock exchanges. Goethe University Frankfurt thereby makes an important contribution to the financial education of the general public.”

Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber, Chair of e-Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt: “We are very pleased by Deutsche Börse Group’s ongoing commitment to educate the public on financial markets. By the LiveX Touch terminal, interested individuals gain hands-on insights into modern electronic exchanges.”

LiveX is one of the most advanced trading simulations currently available. LiveX, which is developed by the Chair of e-Finance of Goethe University Frankfurt, regularly receives top ratings in student surveys and is used by corporate, academic and regulatory institutions. Please find further information regarding LiveX on
