Welcome to the Website of the Chair of e-Finance

back from left:  Micha Bender, Niklas Trimpe, Luisa Faust, Simon Hommel, Tino Cestonaro, Andrej Frizler, Abdellatif Bouazi Tino Cestonaro, Andrej Frizler, Abdellatif Bouazi            
front from left: Julian Schmidt, Florian Ewald, Sandra Keßler, Dr. Benjamin Clapham, Prof. Dr. Peter Gomber



The paper "Shifting Volumes to the Close: Consequences for Price Discovery and Market Quality" by the authors Micha Bender, Benjamin Clapham and Benedikt Schwemmlein was covered in news articles by Bloomberg and FAZ. The paper deals with the massive shift of trading volumes to the closing auction and the effects of this development on the efficiency of closing price discovery and market quality in continuous trading. The paper is available here.


A warm welcome to our new LiveX Licensee: Bayes Business School
We're excited to welcome Bayes Business School as our newest partner in using LiveX, our cutting-edge interactive trading simulation software. Bayes Business School, located at the heart of London's financial hub, stands as a leading global institution renowned for cultivating inquisitive professionals who catalyze positive change in business. With a commitment to transformative education, pioneering research, and a diverse community, Bayes consistently ranks among the world's top business schools.


With funding from the "DigiTeLL" project, the team at the Chair of e-Finance has developed the Eduvest web application. Eduvest is a digital, browser-based self-learning tool that imparts knowledge about investment decisions in securities trading in a playful way, depending on the user's previous knowledge. Eduvest aims to make digital financial education freely accessible to all and is intended to be used in teaching as an additional, asynchronous learning platform. In addition, considering the user's level of knowledge, Eduvest also offers the opportunity for people from outside the field to acquire knowledge about financial markets in a playful way.


The team wishes all students, co-operation partners and employees of the university Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


The authors Raval and Desai, Journal of Financial Services Marketing (2023) have identified our paper “Gomber, P.; Siering, M.; Koch, J.: Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research direction., Journal of Business Economics (2017)” as “the most relevant and influential article in the domain of FinTech”. We thank the authors and are proud of this great acknowledgement!


The Chair welcomes the new research assistant Mr Niklas Trimpe.

The Chair of e-Finance

The Chair of Business Administration, especially e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration deals with fundamental and current questions regarding electronic financial services and electronic securities trading in particular.
Our activities in research and teaching include all facets of e-Finance, which range from customer interfaces in electronic banking and brokerage over market intermediaries to business models, infrastructure and technical concepts for electronic markets.                                                                      
Our mission

With all activities in research and joint projects with our partners in practice, we intend to contribute to the evolution of electronic financial markets. Hereby, we evaluate and develop new market mechanisms, new intermediary relations and opportunities for applying new concepts in IT.
In teaching, we communicate to our students a comprehensive know how and deepened understanding of the economic and technical realities of electronic financial markets. Furthermore, we would like to enable our students to take up ambitious and challenging jobs in the financial industry.

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