Dr. Christian Janze








Office Hours:

On Appointment


Dr. Christian Janze holds a Master’s degree in Management from Goethe University Frankfurt where he was a scholar of the German National Academic Foundation, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and the Schmalenbach Foundation. In his master’s thesis, he assessed the „Impact of Potential IT Security Breaches on Stock Prices“. During his studies, he gained practical experience in the financial services and consulting industries and was a student research assistant at the Chair of e-Finance.

Since March 2015, he is a research assistant at the Chair of e-Finance. Furthermore, he completed the doctoral program of DZ Bank AG. In 2017, he was a visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Research Interests:

- Dezentralized Information Systems, Decentralized Concensus Systems,    Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts

- User-Generated Content, Online Reviews, Review Market Efficiency

